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Purification of gas produced by gasification by various materials, method of continuous analysis of ammonia content in ash
Subject of research within the project. Area 1: The gas produced by gasification of wood pellets contains a large amount of tar and TZL, which significantly reduces the subsequent use. The aim of the project is to test several materials for the optimal cleaning of gas resulting from the gasification of wood pellets. The research will examine the composition of gas (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen, higher hydrocarbons and oxygen) produced by gasification. The most important parameter to be monitored will be tar and TZL. During the test, the quantity of tar and TZL will be monitored before and after the gas cleaning device. Various materials will be tested on this device. The test will therefore monitor the used cleaning material and the amount of entrapped material in it. Gassing will take place during autothermal operation, ie the gasification medium will be air. Heat for the gasification reaction is produced by burning a portion of the fuel in the combustion zone of the generator with the oxygen contained in the gasification medium. Experiments will be carried out on gasification gasification technology located in the Research Energy Center. Area 2 One of the accompanying phenomena of DeNOx technology is unreacted ammonia such as NH3 contained in both emissions and fly ash. Existing NH3 analysis methods in fly ash are time-consuming for both sampling and analysis. In order to optimize these technologies, continuous NH3 measurement is preferred. The aim of the project is to design, assemble and test the method of disposable fly ash followed by a continuous analysis of NH3 in minutes. A partial part of the project will be the construction of an analytical line for the thermal decomposition of ash, followed by the use of an analyzer for continuous measurement of ammonia in the waste gas. The method will be tested both in the VEC laboratory and externally on a real source. The results of both parts will be summarized in the final report and published in expert media.
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Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Specifický výzkum VŠB-TUO