What is the Energy assessment?
The term energy assessment report was introduced by Act No. 103/2015 Amending Act No. 406/2000 Coll., on Energy Management, as amended by which the obligation to prepare the energy assessment report is stipulated. The rules for assessment report are defined by Decree No. 480/2012 Coll. on Energy Audit and Energy Assessment.
When it is necessary to process the Energy Assessment?
A builder, home owners association or building / energy generation unit owner is obliged to acquire the energy assessment report for:
- analysis of technical, economic and environmental feasibility of alternative energy supply systems in case of construction of new building or major modification of completed building with energy source with installed power exceeding 200 kW (The energy assessment report is a part of the building energy performance certificate.);
- costs and benefits analysis of high-efficient combined heat and power generation in case of construction of new power generation plant or major reconstruction of existing power generation plant with total thermal input over 20 MW except for power generation plants operated for less than 1,500 hours per year and nuclear power plants;
- costs and benefits analysis of heat recovery for satisfaction of economically justified demand for heat including combined heat and power generation and connection of the equipment to at least a heat energy supply system located in a distance from the heat energy source not exceeding 1,000 meters in case of construction of new industrial plant or major reconstruction of existing industrial plant with total thermal input over 20 MW which produces waste heat of usable temperature;
- costs and benefits analysis of heat recovery from at least industrial plants located in a distance from the heat distribution plant not exceeding 500 meters in case of construction of new heat energy supply system or major reconstruction of existing heat energy supply system with sources with total thermal input over 20 MW;
- analysis of feasibility of projects related to reduction of energy consumption of buildings, improvement of energy efficiency, reduction of emissions from combustion pollutant sources or utilization of renewable or secondary sources or combined heat and power generation **financed from programmes of support from state or European funds or funds obtained from sale of greenhouse gas emission allowances;
- assessment of compliance with parameters of projects implemented under the programmes referred to in the bullet above.