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Since many years ago our standard services have been comprising preparation of energy audit with a guarantee by an accredited energy auditor. We can prepare the energy audit of any facility, whether it is a single building/equipment, or production plant or building complex such as hospital, school, etc. based on the customer’s re­quirements. Our experience in power engineering and economy helps us to identify the maximum saving potential of different facilities including its economic exploitation in practice.

What is the Energy audit?

The energy audit serves to obtain detail information on energy performance of the concerned building, equipment, production plant or building complex providing general analysis and pointing out any imperfections, whether apparent at first glance or hidden. Its purpose is also to identify the energy saving potential, propose measures to exploit the potential and provide economic evaluation (including cost estimate and payback period analysis).

When it is necessary to process the Energy Audit?

The obligation to prepare energy audit stipulated by Act No. 406/2006 Coll. on Energy Management and Act No. 103/2015 Amending Act No. 406/2000 Coll., on Energy Management, as amended applies to big energy consumers. The rules for energy audit are defined by Decree No. 480/2012 Coll. on Energy Audit and Energy Assessment.

The obligation to prepare energy audit applies to entities with total yearly consumption of all energy types and forms at all facilities operated under the entity’s iden­tification number exceeding certain limit.

The obligation to prepare energy audit applies to:

  • central and local government bodies and semi-budgetary organisations with total yearly energy consumption higher than 1,500 GJ;
  • natural and other legal persons except for semi-budgetary organizations with total yearly energy consumption higher than 35,000 GJ.

Benefits of energy audit

  1. Energy cost reduction
  2. Reduction of capacity reserved for energy supplies
  3. Reduction of energy (electric power, heat, natural gas) consumption
  4. Heat recovery potential
  5. Potential of renewable energy source utilization
  6. Possibility to obtain electric power contributions to price of electricity from combined heat and power (CHP) generation (cogeneration)
  7. Reduction of emission production (reduction of cost of emission allowances)

Content of energy audit report

The energy audit is processed in a written form with these outputs:

  • Identification data
  • Description of actual condition
  • Evaluation of actual condition
  • Proposed measures to reduce energy consumption
  • Options based on proposed measures
  • Selection of optimum option
  • Economic analysis
  • Environmental evaluation
  • Final evaluation – binding outputs
  • Records sheet
  • Appendices