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The ENERGOGUARD system is intended for those, who wish:

  • To save energy costs, to control, optimize and plan
  • To have a competition advantage resulting from knowledge of the energy demandingness of a product
  • To renew and implement new and more advantageous technologies in time
  • To use subsidy titles purposefully
  • To decide properly according to energy data, i.e. in accordance with a structure of energies and their use in the technological process
  • To have adequate management and technical evaluations of the operation
  • To implement an effective system and processes for the energy management
  • To implement the energy management according to ISO 50 001 standard
  • To engage and motivate employees in energy demandingness reduction
  • To monitor the CPEH accounts and to perform optimization interventions during the accounting period

Data sources for the ENERGOGUARD system

  1. Measurement and regulation systems, e.g. a control system in a boiler-room or a dispatching centre
  2. Production „MES“ systems and IT systems containing production data

Three steps to success comprise:

  1. The implementation of ISO 50 001 energy management system
  2. The use of the internet software ENERGOGUARD, which enables to perform ISO 50 001 energy management and a balance analysis including the documentation centralization (for example energy audits, building energy use intensity certificates, energy distribution, invoices, lists of measuring points, distribution systems)
  3. The process of the continuous improvement and proposing of economy measures, which are performed in cooperation with experts from the department of Energy Audits and Studies and the Design engineering department