Energy Research centre, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava offers a services int he field of analysis of solid fuels, solid biofuels, solid alternative fuels and solid combustion residues. The laboratory is accredited by Czech Institute for Accreditation as Testing Laboratory no. 1166.3 in a testing range:
- Determination of ash content by gravimetry, the determination of combustibles – additional count
- Determination of water content by gravimetry
- Determination of volatile matter content by gravimetry
- Determination of gross calorific value and calculation of net calorific calorimetry
- Determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen analyzer CHN 628, the determination of oxygen – additional count
- Determination of total sulfur, high-temperature combustion method with an additional module CHN 628
- Determination of ash fusibility temperatures
Preparing of samples for analysis:
Samples for laboratory analysis are prepared by using jaw crusher, hammer crusher and vibratory mill, so as to preserve the representativity of the sample.
Drying of the samples and determining the moisture content:
Determination of total moisture samples and moisture analysis of samples are carried out by gravimetry according to CSN 44 1377, CSN EN 14774–2, EN 14774–3, CSN P CEN / TS 15414–2, EN 15414–3.
Annealing, determination of ash and determination of volatile matter:
Ash is determined according to ISO 1171, EN 14775, EN 15403, volatile combustible fuels according to ISO 562, ISO 5071–1, EN 15148, EN 15402.
Gravimetric determination (weighting) are performed using laboratory analytical balances, brand Sartorius, Ohaus and microbalance METLER TOLEDO.
Temperatures ash fusibility:
Fusibility characteristic temperatures of ash in oxidizing and reducing atmospheres are determined by analyzer LECO AF700 in accordance with ISO 540. The test pieces used for the test are in the shape of a pyramid.
Determination of C, H, N, S:
Determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur in the samples is performed by analyzer LECO CHN628 with additional module 628 S by ISO 29541, EN 15104, EN 15407 and ISO 19579.
Combustion heat:
The gross calorific value fuels is setting calorimetry according to ISO 1928, EN 14918 and EN 15400 with a calorimeter LECO AC600.
The laboratory also offers thermograviametric sample analysis device NETZSCH STA 449 F1 Jupiter. The device allows, in addition to the TGA (thermogravimetry), also the DSC analysis (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) and DTA (Differential thermal analysis).
Laboratory fuels VEC may provide, in cooperation with other partners, elemental analysis of solid fuels and combustion residues, sieve analysis and determination of other parameters.