Project Aims and Objectives:
The aim of the project is to raise awareness, improve education and regional strategies in the field of environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development. The introduction of new technologies in industry, leading to the mitigation of the impacts of human activity on the environment and climate change, has its justification in the Visegrad countries. As in the Ostrava region of the Czech Republic, each of the project partners has a strong industrial-based economy, in whose technological processes the implementation of new scientific knowledge and research results would bring a significant positive impact on the environment. The main goal of the presented project is to apply the knowledge of research and the use of newly developed technologies, addressing and educating executives. The purpose of the project is to share the latest knowledge of applied research between research organizations in the Visegrad countries, but also to create an expert proceedings of results achieved in ongoing projects.
Applicant: VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, CZ
Partner No. 1: University of Žilina, SK
Partner No. 2: Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, PL
Partner No. 3: University of Miskolc — Faculty of Earth Science & Engineering, HUN
Supported by: Visegrad Funds
Program: Visegrad grant
Project ID: 22030137
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
Newton University, a.s.
Scoveco, s.r.o.
Silesian University of Technology
Spin 360, SRL
University of Zilina
Associated Partners
ACEA: European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association
ASA: Automotive Skills Alliance
Project identification code
Project duration
1/11/2021 – 31/10/2023
276 970 EUR
Financed by
Erasmus+ Programme, call 2021, round 1, key action KA2, Action type KA220-HED- Cooperation partnerships in higher education
The main project priority is to develop a highly specialised and professional course of top quality on life cycle assessment (LCA) in automotive which will be in a form of massive open online courses (MOOC). MOOCs represent innovative teaching and learning in their own character, being run online, aimed at unlimited participation worldwide and open access via the web. The project focuses on a MOOC with the certification framework and practical examples, covering the area of sustainable approach in automotive industry to enhance the quality life-long learning opportunities and contribute to the transformation to Digital Europe. The MOOC will reflect the specific needs of latest skills and specific requirements in green mobility in view of the EU green strategy and European Green Deal plan. At the end of the project, it will be mapped into EU-wide database of training and education courses offered towards Automotive Ecosystem. The project results will be shared publicly and to Automotive Skills Alliance partnership as Pact for Skills for Automotive-Mobility Sector.
Ing. Simona Jursova, Ph.D. (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava)