Development of Czech Norwegian Cooperation in the Field of Energy
Nowadays, at time of still increasing consumption in heat and electricity, the development of qualified specialists in the field of energy is necessary. The project is aimed at coopoeration between VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science (Norway) in the field of energy specifics of both countries. The main objective is mutual exchange of knowledge and practical experience between both institutes focused on establishment and intensification of bilateral cooperation with perspective of new research teams colaborated on future projects.
Within the project, show-term traineeships of Ph.D. students and postdocs specialised in different attitudes to electricity and heat generation in Czech Republic and Norway will be organised (coal and atom power engineering in the Czech Republic, water energy in Norway). The project will support the arrangement of seminars, excursions into a power plant and lectures afternoons for mutual exchange of knowledge and experience related to the topic. Regarding the both project partners, (universities) the discussion will focused on implementation of modern scientific attitudes in energy into university tuition and development of education in energetics. The trainees participating at the project will have an opportunity to compare energetic systems of both countries and to define possibilities for future scientific cooperation. The project output will also include professionalization of Ph.D. students during traineeships at the international workplace, which is an essential part of study. In case of project success, the tradition of short- term and long-term traineeships at partner universities and relevant research centres will be initiated.
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Zahraniční granty
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Zahraniční granty