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Students of the Secondary School of Chemistry completed a month-long internship in the laboratories of the Nanotechnology Centre

Students of the 3rd year of the Jaroslav Heyrovský Secondary School of Chemistry had the opportunity to complete their one-month internship in the laboratories of the Centre of Nanotechnology with mentors led by Prof. Daniela Plaché. Together with their colleagues, they also worked on topics that are addressed within the REFRESH project.

Under the guidance of Prof. Daniela Plachá, Dr. Ladislav Svoboda, Dr. Sylva Holešová, Mgr. Petr Langer, Ing. Pavel Czernek and Ing. Jakub Zágora, four students of the 3rd year of SPŠCH had the opportunity to complete a one-month internship in the laboratories of the Nanotechnology Centre.

"The CNT scientists have been great mentors throughout and together they have had the opportunity to discuss and address current topics, especially those being addressed by the REFRESH project." said Prof. Plachá.
The main focus of the successful collaboration was the development of photocatalysts and sorbents for the removal of antibiotics from water, the preparation of hydrogels with antimicrobial effects or the preparation of modified vermiculites for applications in membrane technology.

Under the supervision of mentors, they tried out both the preparation of the material and its testing for selected applications and also got acquainted with some of the methods commonly used in the preparation of nanomaterials and nanostructured materials.

They will describe their findings and newly acquired knowledge in their year papers. This cooperation is not unique, we have already engaged with SPŠCH students in previous years. Thus, students of chemical disciplines know that they can successfully study nanotechnology and nanomaterials in Ostrava at VSB-TUO and subsequently use their professional skills at the Nanotechnology Centre.

Created: 5. 8. 2024
Category:  News
Entered by:  Administrator
Department: 9360 - CNT - Nanotechnology Centre