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At the Nanotechnology Centre we see collaboration with business partners at Czech Republic and abroad as a key

The months of May and June were rich in trips by scientists of the Nanotechnology Centre. They went to several trips to partners working on collaborative projects in the Czech Republic and abroad, as well as to an international trade fair in Germany focused on battery and electronics recycling.

Dr. Roman Gabor's team headed to the Institute of Physiology of the CAS in Prague as part of the MATUR project, where they met with the team of Assoc. Lucie Bačáková, M.D., who deals with biomaterials and tissue engineering. At the meeting, the team's achievements in the field of preparation and application of corrosion and abrasion resistant oxide coatings using micro-arc oxidation technique were evaluated.
In this way, the team is preparing the ceramic oxide layers and also testing it for possible applications, for example in the medical sector as a biocompatible material for emergency medicine (joint replacements). The joint meeting outlined plans for experimental goals and the possibility of entering further project calls in future periods.

The SAFER project team led by Prof. Daniela Placha visited the Technical University of Chemnitz in Germany in the second half of June to evaluate the current results of a project in which colleagues from CNT collaborate in the development of nanoparticles enabling self-healing of damaged matrix composite materials.
The project also involves scientists from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, led by Prof. José Mario Rosolen, who were online at the meeting. The principal investigator of the ERA NET project is Prof. Daisy Nestler and on the Czech side representatives of the Czech company Diafrikt Component, a.s. with Jan Kopecký and Zdeněk Hampl.

At the end of June, the international trade fair Battery Recycling was held in Frankfurt, Germany, which was visited by Prof. Grazyna Simha Martynkova on behalf of CNT. The Battery Recycling Conference & Expo is an event attended by battery manufacturers, battery recyclers, critical raw material suppliers and the entire supply chain involved in the battery segment.
Professor Martynková had the opportunity to absorb news and innovations from these areas, learn about new products and services and be inspired by innovative recycling technologies and the latest research in this segment. She will now be able to capitalise on all this new knowledge in further research being carried out at the Nanotechnology Centre.

Created: 9. 8. 2024
Category:  News
Entered by:  Administrator
Department: 9360 - CNT - Nanotechnology Centre