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Analysis of the rheological properties of powder and nano-powder samples is crucial for the development of new nanostructured materials

On 4 and 5 December 2024, the international workshop "Rheological Characterization of the Powder Samples" was held at the VSB-TUO, CEET, Nanotechnology Centre in the Laboratory of Powder and Surface Characterization.

The main topic of the workshop, which was held under the auspices of the MATUR and REFRESH project, was to learn about the possibilities and aspects of the analysis of rheological properties of powder and nano-powder materials. For more than 20 participants it was an opportunity to listen to expert lectures by Dr. Christina Reichart from Anton Paar, Austria and Ing. Jiří Špringer from Anton Paar, Czech Republic, who discussed new measurement methods and theoretical foundations of rheology. At the same time, the audience could interactively participate in the individual lecture blocks. The main topics were fluidity, compressibility, hydrophobicity and particle abrasion, as well as nanoparticle shape and size. The discussion highlighted the key role of these characteristics in the development of modern nanostructured materials and their use in advanced technologies.

The second day of the workshop was devoted to the analysis of specific powder samples, which the participants had the opportunity to analyze themselves on a unique rheological device designed for dynamic analysis of mechanical properties of materials MCR 702e (Anton Paar), which was purchased from the funds of the REFRESH project. The results of the measurements were continuously evaluated in detail and consulted with the application center in Gratz, Austria. Great interest was shown in the analyses carried out in the temperature and humidity chamber, which allow to simulate the real environment in which specific powder samples are used.

The workshop received a positive response, following which the participants expressed interest in further meetings and the possibility of establishing new collaborations in the field of powder and nano-coating rheology.

Created: 8. 1. 2025
Category:  News
Entered by:  Administrator
Department: 9360 - CNT - Nanotechnology Centre