Pokročilé materiály pro energetiku a environmentální technologie
The main goal of the project is to develop the application potential of VŠB-TUO and the involved VOs by establishing and deepening cooperation with entities from the application sphere and strengthening the ability of the entities involved to create and subsequently effectively use R&D results in practice. The subject of the project is oriented and industrial research in cooperation with entities from the application sphere in the field of advanced materials, nanomaterials and nanocomposites for their use in energy and related environmental technologies. Technical research will be closely linked with social science research. Technical research is divided into four areas: multifunctional materials and nanocomposites, materials for the accumulation and storage of electrical energy, materials for the conversion of solar energy and its storage in the form of chemical fuels, and materials for the storage of thermal energy.
Start year
End year
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Obecná forma
Operační program Jan Amos Komenský