Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET) is a university institute at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava which was established as of January 1, 2021 through the merger of the university institutes Nanotechnology Centre, Energy Research Centre, ENET Centre and Institute of Environmental Technology.
In the first year of its operation in 2021 CEET succeeded to gain a strong position within the university structure and with a significant share of more than 25% of the scientific output CEET became the university leaders in Research and Development.
Our vision is to become a recognised university institute devoted to the development of new technologies and materials for low-carbon and sustainable energy and environmental technologies in line with the principles of the circular economy. Our common denominator is energy transformation, a topic that cuts across all areas of our lives, from transport to industry and the environment.
Through our research, we want to provide advanced technologies and methods that will enable the Czech Republic to complete the energy transformation successfully, i.e. the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy solutions.
An extremely important objective of our agenda must therefore be, in addition to the aforementioned transformation, energy self-sufficiency and raw material independence from countries with unstable geo-political environment. In practice, the application of these principles must aim to ensure a balance between policy measures, technological possibilities, and economic expectations.
The research team of CEET is unique. It comprises more than 200 scientists and researchers dedicated to basic, oriented basic, and applied research who are competent to address energy issues in a truly comprehensive manner. Like the rest of the world, we are looking for emission-free sources. However, another important requirement is to find solutions that do not lead to additional waste and landfill demand. At the same time, the matter of reducing pollutants already present in waste gases and air, as well as in water, must be addressed. One of the key raw materials that our research activities focus on is hydrogen. Hydrogen solutions will help us, for instance, ensure partial energy self-sufficiency and raw material independence for some of the regions.