The clients were personally welcomed by the director of the institute, Prof. Lucie Obalová, and Prof. Kamila Kočí, who organizes the annual Christmas auction in support of the Čtyřlístek Centre.
"Our cooperation with Čtyřlístek has been going on for several years, not only in the form of financial support - every year the money from the Christmas auction go to them - but also through mutual visits and joint activities," said Prof. Obalová.
In the past, we had the opportunity to visit their centre and get a glimpse into their daily life. This time the roles were reversed and the clients of the Čtyřlístek Centre visited our laboratories to try out interactive chemistry experiments. They were literally fascinated by the colour reactions, changes of state and other experiments - some of them even compared our labs to the school in the Harry Potter stories.
The meeting was not only inspiring, but also full of joy and enthusiasm. We are glad that we could offer the clients of the Čtyřlístek Centre an experience that delighted and enriched them. We hope that our cooperation will continue and we look forward to more meetings together!