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Národní centrum pro energetiku II
The NCE II mission is to encourage and strengthen long-term cooperation between the leading research and application spheres in the energy sector. Their long-term cooperation is based on linking academic research with the application and innovation potential of manufacturing and technology companies. Through joint scientific research projects, we share the unique infrastructure, laboratory equipment, and know-how of expert teams from research organisations with the application sector. The close connection between the research and application spheres allows us to map the key needs of the energy industry effectively, respond to the current needs of the energy mix in the context of the Czech Republic and accelerate the implementation of new solutions into real operation. We focus on increasing the efficiency, safety, and reliability of existing energy units and networks utilizing research outputs and the development of new methods, materials, and technologies. We aim at efficient deployment and operation of decentralised energy sources and the use of alternative fuels to ensure the raw material independence and energy self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic. The Centre aims to develop a comprehensive strategy for modern, low-carbon, and sustainable energy industry in line with strategic documents at the national and international level, in particular The European Green Deal and Fit for 55, to meet the Czech Republic's commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure carbon neutrality by 2050.
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Technologická agentura
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Národní centra kompetence, 2023-2028
Information system of research, development and innovation (in Czech)