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Advanced Nanotechnology

Advanced Nanomaterials Lab

nanotechnology, nanomaterials, nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanofibers

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Ladislav Svoboda, Ph.D.,

Materials-Envi Lab

Materials-Envi Lab

2D materials, heterogeneous catalysis, solar energy, water treatment, single atom engineering, biomedicine

Research Group Leader:
prof. RNDr. Radek Zbořil, Ph.D., CEET-CNT

Laboratoř nanotechnologií a struktury materiálů

Nanotechnology and material structures lab

nanoparticles and nanostructures, surface properties, energy storage, sustainable materials, recycling

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Lukáš Halagačka, Ph.D., CEET-CNT

Laboratoř smluvního výzkumu a servisu

Service and contractual research lab

technology and service, analytical activity, consultation on material issues, technology transfer to industry

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Michaela Tokarčíková, Ph.D., CEET-CNT



nanoscale materials, electron beam fabrication, advanced microscopy, additive manufacturing, in situ characterization

Research Group Leader:
prof. Mark Hermann Rümmeli, CEET-IET

Thermochemical and Hydrogen Conversion

Thermochemical and Hydrogen Conversion

waste gasification, pyrolysis, alternative fuels, hydrogen, combustion

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Jan Najser, Ph.D., CEET-CENET

Energy By-products

Energy By-products

organic markers, air pollution, environmental impact, thermal processes, combustion

Research Group Leader:
prof. Ing. Helena Raclavská, CSc., CEET-CENET

SBulk Materials

Bulk Materials

bulk materials, powders, processing, DEM simulations, transport

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Lucie Jezerská, Ph.D., CEET-CENET

Modern Heating Systems

Modern Heating Systems

source of thermal energy, boiler, dust particles, efficiency, pollutant emissions

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Jiří Ryšavý, Ph.D., CEET-VEC

Innovation and Safety

Innovation and Safety

hydrogen, biomass gasification, technologies, energetics, safety

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Ján Vereš,Ph.D., CEET-VEC

Waste to Energy

Waste to Energy

energy recovery of waste, solid recovered fuel, waste to energy, emissions, energy balance

Research Group Leader:
prof. Ing. Jozef Vlček, Ph.D., CEET-IET

Biochemical Processes

Biochemical Processes

biowaste, aerobic and anaerobic fermentation, biogas, biomethane, biohydrogen

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Jiří Rusín, Ph.D., CEET-IET

Industrial Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry

chemical and process engineering, pyrolysis, catalysis, chemical recycling, chemical technology

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Pavel Leštinský, Ph.D., CEET-IET

Heterogeneous Catalysis

Heterogeneous Catalysis

heterogeneous catalysis, temperature-programmed techniques, reaction mechanism, waste gas cleaning, laboratory and pilot plant testing 

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Kateřina Pacultová, Ph.D., CEET-IET

Heterogeneous Photocatalysis

Heterogeneous Photocatalysis

photocatalytic processes, CO2 reduction, hydrogen generation, N2O decomposition, advances oxidation processes

Research Group Leader:
prof. Ing. Kamila Kočí, Ph.D., CEET-IET

Preparation of Materials and Waste Valorisation

Preparation of Materials and Waste Valorisation

nanostructured photo/catalysts and sorbents, natural substances with added value, green high-pressure technologies, microwaves, volatile organic compounds degradation

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D., CEET-IET

Water Treatment and Analysis

Water Treatment and Analysis

wastewater, adsorption, bioremediation, , micropollutants, trace analysis

Research Group Leader:
Mgr. Martina Vráblová, Ph.D., CEET-IET

Technologies for Environmental Protection

Technologies for Environmental Protection

emissions, efficiency, best available technology, alternative Fuels, CO2

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Karel Borovec, Ph.D., CEET-VEC

Smart Grids

Smart Grids

solar power, wind power, energy storage, hydrogen technologies, electromobility

Research Group Leader:
Ing. Zdeněk Slanina, Ph.D., CEET-CENET

Applications for Industry and Municipalities

Applications for Industry and Municipalities

energy management, design engineering activities, feasibility study, energy conception, cost benefit analysis

Research Group Leader:
Zdeněk Neufinger, MBA, CEET-VEC