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Název projektu
Circular solutions for keeping food waste out of Central Europe's schools
Předmět výzkumu
The project is aimed at cooperation on a greener central Europe taking circular economy forward. The consortium created by 10 partners will deals with Food Waste Prevention in Schools in the partner's country. Based on food waste rate measured at schools, it will create tools for the prevention of generating food waste and will develop thermal and biochemical technologies to process the generated waste. The project activities are distributed into 3 work packages: WP 1 - Food Waste Prevention including Monitoring, Prevention, Redistribution, Tools. WP 2 - Food Waste Treatment Including Insects, Biorefinery/Biochemical and Torrefication as post-treatment, WP 3 Evaluation and Policy Recommendation.
Rok zahájení
Rok ukončení
Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj
Obecná forma
INTERREG Central europe
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