The laboratory of air protection is equipped for research in the area of waste gas treatment processes using catalytic and adsorption based methods. The laboratory has equipment for gaseous sample collection, i.e. a system of passive dosing of gaseous samples, including an automated sampler cleaning system. The laboratory also provides service for gaseous mixture analysis. The laboratory does research and characterisation of gas phase heterogeneous catalysts for heterogeneous reactions, applied in the purification of waste gases from stationary sources both in industrial companies and in the laboratory. It also investigates adsorption and desorption process balance and kinetics. We offer testing of industrial catalysts, research of kinetics of catalytic reactions, modelling of reaction mechanisms, chemical engineering calculations, simulation and design of chemical reactors, determination of adsorption capacities of gases and vapours, and other research tasks, based on the customer's requirements.
Research activities
- Research of catalysts with applications in the treatment of waste gases from stationary sources (catalytic decomposition of N2O, selective catalytic reduction of NOx, catalytic decomposition of NO, catalytic oxidation of CO).
- Modeling of reaction mechanisms, research of kinetics of catalytic reactions, research of equilibrium and kinetics of adsorption and desorption processes.
Basic equipment
- Flow experimental units for testing of catalysts and sorbents in the gas phase equipped with reactors and columns of different scale.
- Universal device capable to assemble variable laboratory models of physico-chemical processes.
- Equipment for taking gas samples - a system of passive dosing of the sample, sampling device for personal sampling of organic compounds, automatic cleaning system.
- Gas chromatographs (TCD, FID, MSD), FTIR, continual analyzers (NOx, NH3, N2O, total organic carbon).
- Emission apparatus for sampling of particulate matter, heavy metals etc.
Offered services
- Testing of industrial catalysts (tablets, monoliths) for gas phase reactions.
- Simulation and design of chemical reactors.
- Determination of the adsorption capacity of a wide range of gases and vapors.
- Dynamic measurement of breakthrough curves and their mathematical modeling.
- Design of effluent gases adsorber.
- Design of adsorber for balancing the varying concentrations of the components in the flowing gas.
- Chemical engineering calculations.
- Analysis of gases.
- Catalysts and sorbents characterization – amount of reducible and oxidizable components, amount of acidic and bacis sites.
Research team
prof. Ing. Lucie Obalová, Ph.D doc. Ing. Kateřina Pacultová, Ph.D. Ing. Kateřina Karásková, Ph.D. Ing. Tereza Bílková, Ph.D. Ing. Anna Klegová, Ph.D. (maternity leave) dr. inž. Sylwia Górecka Ing. Dagmar Fridrichová Mgr. Květoslava Hrádková Ing. Petr Maršolek Ing. Martina Sikorová (maternity leave) dr. inž. Kamil Maciej Górecki Emil Trubka
Ing. Kateřina Pacultová, Ph.D. e-mail: tel.: 00420 597 32 7327
