The project "Innovative Technologies for a Cleaner Ostrava!!!!" (INOVO!!!) aims to establish and deepen long-term cooperation between research organizations (VSB-Technical University Ostrava, University of Ostrava) and seven partners from the application sphere (DEKONTA, a.s, Nano4people, s.r.o., RANIDO, s.r.o., BENEKOVterm, s.r.o., Veolia Energie ČR, a.s., RPG Recycling, s.r.o., Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre Ostrava a.s.). The subject of cooperation will be the two-way transfer of information, knowledge and know-how in the framework of joint research focused on current environmental topics initiated by the above-mentioned industrial partners.
The project "Modernization of ENREGAT infrastructure" (Infra-ENREGAT) has the task to contribute to the development of the infrastructure base for research, development and innovation in the Czech Republic through the upgrade and modernization of the large research infrastructure "Energy recovery of waste and gas purification" (VVI ENREGAT) complementarily financed from the special purpose support of the Ministry of Education and Science (LM2023056). The single-site research infrastructure ENREGAT is operated by the research centre Institute of Environmental Technologies at the host institution VŠB-Technical University Ostrava and offers its services free of charge to the research community under open access since January 2019, when it was included in the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures.
The overarching project objective is to introduce innovative approaches for precise materials fabrication at the nanometer and atomic levels, including additive manufacturing. This will revolutionize material synthesis, atom-level device fabrication, and lead to the development of novel devices. It will result in the discovery of materials with unique functionality and groundbreaking micro- and nano- processing engineering, advancing fields such as technology, energy, and healthcare.