The laboratory of heterogeneous photocatalysis is equipped to investigate the processes of waste gas purification with the use of photocatalytic methods. Gas mixture analysis is also done. The laboratory investigates photocatalyst efficiency in photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide (both liquid and gas phase), photocatalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide, photocatalytic cleavage of water in the presence of methanol and degradation of MTBE from water. We also investigate photocatalytic reaction kinetics and advanced oxidation processes for waste gas purification. The laboratory is equipped with batch photocatalytic reactors with different geometries for gas and liquid phase reactions, a flow photoreactor for gas phase decomposition reactions, a gas chromatograph (BID), a photo electrochemical spectrometer, a Kelvin probe and a pilot plant unit for investigating advanced oxidation processes. The laboratory also offers testing of powder photocatalysts for reactions in gas and liquid phases, of thin films for reactions in gas and liquid phases, as well as testing of photocatalytically active materials for gas phase reactions according to ČSN ISO 22197.
Research activities
- Study of the efficiency of photocatalysts for photocatalytic decomposition of N2O, photocatalytic decomposition of methanol (in liquid phase) and photocatalytic reduction of CO2 (both liquid and gas phase).
- Research of the kinetics of the photocatalytic reactions.
- Advanced oxidation processes for waste gas cleaning.
Basic equipment
- Experimental batch reactors (5 geometrically different) for reactions in the gas and liquid phase, using UV irradiation with wavelength 254 nm, 365 nm or 400 nm.
- Flow photoreactor for testing of decomposition reactions in gas phase.
- Apparatus for temperature programmed desorption and reduction AutoChem II.
- Gas Chromatographs (TCD/BID).
- Photoelectric spectrometer.
- Photocurrent, Kelvin probe.
- Integration sphere for determination of IPCE of photocatalysts.
- Advanced oxidation processes for waste gas cleaning.
Offered services
- Testing of powder photocatalysts for reactions in the gas and liquid phase.
- Testing of thin film photocatalysts for reactions in the gas and liquid phase.
- Testing of thin layer photocatalysts for reactions in the gas phase according to ČSN ISO 22197.
- Characterization of materials by temperature programmed reduction and desorption.
Research team
prof. Ing. Kamila Kočí, Ph.D. RNDr. Marta Valášková, DSc. Ing. Martin Reli, Ph.D. Ing. Miroslava Filip Edelmannová, Ph.D. Ing. Nela Kotulková, Ph.D. Mgr Inż. Bartosz Romuald Zawadzki, PhD. Ing. Lucie Spáčilová, Ph.D. Ing. Tomáš Prostějovský Mgr. Patrik Kopčan Ing. Rudolf Ricka RNDr. Alexandr Martaus, Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Kamila Kočí, Ph.D. e-mail: tel.: 00420 597 32 7309
