The research group Water treatment and analysis does basic and applied research in water treatment, including analytical evaluation of surface and waste water. The main areas of research in water treatment are adsorption processes, bioremediation, photocatalytic decomposition, and membrane processes. Research is done on laboratory apparatuses, using both model solutions and real water samples. Materials such as sorbents or catalysts, which are used here, are customised, based on what substances are to be removed (especially medicines and pesticides). We also provide solutions for industries. As for the analytical area, our laboratory is equipped to evaluate metals, ions, organic pollutants and biologically active substances. In this case, their mutual interaction and their influence on organisms present in water (especially bacteria and plants) are also monitored.
Research activities
- HPLC-MS, GC-MS, AAS, UV-VIS, ED-XRF, SPRi analysis.
- Research of waste water treatment.
- Sorption from aqueous solutions.
- Residence time distribution measurement and calculation.
- Macromolecules interactions study.
- Decomposition in microwave field.
- Detection of micropollutants in surface- and waste- water.
- Study of the permeability of rigid membranes for pollutants present in water.
Basic equipment
- HR-CS AAS contrAA® 700
- UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Specord 250+
- ED-XRF Spectrometer SPECTRO Xepos
- Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging HORIBA OpenPlex
- Milestone Ethos Up Microwave Digestion System
- Shimadzu UHPLC Nexera XR LC-20AD XR
- MS/MS QTRAP 6500+
- GC/MS Agilent
Offered services
- Direct solid sample analysis by AAS.
- Multi-element analysis (AAS): Ag, Al, As, Be, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr (VI), Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, Zn.
- Testing the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants.
- Analyses of surface and wastewater with a focus on drugs, pesticides, and others.
- Trace analyses of selected substances.
- Indicative evaluation of the ecotoxicity of the samples.
Research team
Mgr. Martina Vráblová, Ph.D. prof. Ing. Petr Praus, Ph.D. Mgr. Ivan Koutník, Ph.D. Ing. Kateřina Smutná, Ph.D. Ing. Jaroslav Lang, Ph.D. Ing. Jan Bednárek, Ph.D. Mgr Inż. Piotr Jachimowicz RNDr. Jaroslav Kuchyňa Mgr. Anna Gavlová Ing. Tereza Motúzová Ing. Adam Hruška Mgr. Jana Vaněková Ing. Lucie Řepecká
Mgr. Martina Vráblová. Ph.D. e-mail: Tel.: 00420 597 32 7311
