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The laboratory of nanostructure materials does research in the area of preparation and optimization of the preparation of different types of nanostructure materials such as metal oxides or carbon materials, in different macroscopic forms, especially for photocatalytic and catalytic decomposition of organic pollutants in the environment and photocatalytic reduction of greenhouse gases. Nanostructure powder, thin layers or monoliths are prepared not only with the use of conventional methods, but new unconventional preparation and processing methods are also developed and optimized, e.g. using supercritical and subcritical fluids. Preparation processes and their optimization are investigated on the basic research level, focusing on the influence of individual preparation or processing steps or of the feedstock/chemical precursor on the physicochemical properties of the prepared material and, consequently, on photocatalytic or catalytic efficiency. Our laboratory also uses microwave pyrolysis to prepare carbon sorbents, which are then characterised with the use of physisorption. We focus on inter-disciplinary research, using knowledge and information from material engineering, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, solid state physics, photochemistry, organic technology, as well as environmental and chemical engineering.

Research activities

  • Preparation of powder catalytic materials by sol-gel, precipitation and co-precipitation methods.
  • Preparation of catalytically active thin films in nanometric scale.
  • Preparation of nanostructured transition metal oxides by high temperature calcination and by using pressurized/supercritical fluids.

Basic equipment

  • High-temperature laboratory equipment for processing by pressurized hot and supercritical fluids with different high-temperature stainless-steel cells.
  • Laboratory instruments and magnetic stirrers for materials preparation.
  • Ovens for drying and calcining of samples.
  • Equipment for the deposition of thin layers.
  • High pressure extractor.
  • Ultrasonic cleaner.
  • Thin Film Measurement - NanoCalc - Ocean Optics.
  • Fiber Optic Spectrometer - DH-mini + Flame - UV-VIS Measurement - Ocean Optics.

Offered services

  • Preparation of various macroscopic forms of nanostructured metal oxides and lanthanides by using pressurized/supercritical fluids.
  • Determination of specific surface area and meso- and microporous structure of solids by using physisorption of nitrogen as well as other gases, performed on fully-automated physisorption set-up reaching vacuum of p/p0=10-9. Interpretation of results.
  • Testing of photocatalytic activity of the prepared materials and their correlation with the microstructure of materials.

Research team

Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D.
Ing. Zuzana Jankovská, Ph.D.
Ing. Ivana Troppová, Ph.D.
Ing. Michal Vaštyl, Ph.D.
dr. Haripal Malhi
Antonio Moscol
Ing. Adéla Šlachtová
doc. Ing. Jonáš Tokarský, Ph.D.


Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D.
tel.: 00420 597 32 7310

nano ctverec


Publishing and scientific activity


PACULTOVÁ, Kateřina, Anna KLEGOVÁ, Kateřina KARÁSKOVÁ, Alexandr MARTAUS, Jaroslav LANG, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Pavel BUČEK and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Laboratorní testy katalytické oxidace amoniaku na dodaných katalyzátorech a stanovení vybraných fyzikálně-chemických vlastností katalyzátorů. Ranido, s.r.o., 2018. [Detail]
PACULTOVÁ, Kateřina, Anna KLEGOVÁ, Kateřina KARÁSKOVÁ, Jaroslav LANG, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Michal VAŠTYL, Pavel BUČEK, Alexandr MARTAUS and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Optimalizace strukturovaných katalyzátorů na bázi V2O5 a TiO2 na nosiči z keramické pěny pro selektivní katalytickou redukci NOx. Vysoké učení technické,Fakulta strojního inženýrství , Ústav procesního inženýrství, 2018. [Detail]

Final work


Title Name of student Supervisor Type
Valorizace odpadních hovězích kostí na přírodní produkty s přidanou hodnotou pomocí vysokotlakých technologií
(Valorization of secondary animal products to natural substances with added value by using sustainable high-pressure technology)
Bc. Nikol Krusberská Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Masters


Title Name of student Supervisor Type
Příprava monolitického katalyzátoru na bázi TiO2 a CeO2 krystalizací v podkritické vodě
(Preparation of monolithic catalyst based on TiO2 and CeO2 by using subcritical water crystallization)
Bc. Michal Zym Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Bachelors


Title Name of student Supervisor Type
Nanostrukturované heterogenní katalyzátory na bázi TiO2, CeO2 a CuO pro katalytickou oxidaci těkavých organických látek
(Nanostructured heterogeneous catalysts based on TiO2, CeO2 and CuO for catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds)
Bc. Barbora Ptáčková Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Masters


Title Name of student Supervisor Type
Optimalizace přípravy uhlíkatých materiálů ze zemědělské biomasy v mikrovlnném poli
(Optimization of preparation of carbon-based materials from agricultural biomass in microwave field)
Ing. Petra Cichoňová Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Bachelors


Title Name of student Supervisor Type
Příprava a charakterizace oxidů kovů na bázi Ti, La a N pomocí přetlakových a superkritických tekutin využitelných pro snižování znečištění životního prostředí
(Preparation and characterization of oxides based on Ti, La and N by using pressurized hot and supercritical fluids for mitigation of environmental pollution)
Bc. Lucie Jarolímová Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Masters


Title Name of student Supervisor Type
Příprava nanostrukturovaného TiO2 využitelného pro snižování znečištění životního prostředí
(Preparation of nanostructured TiO2 for mitigation of environmental pollution)
Bc. Lukáš Polách Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Bachelors
Příprava nanostrukturovaných oxidů kovů na bázi titanu a ceru pomocí přetlakových a superkritických tekutin
(Preparation of nanostructured titanium and cerium-based oxides by using pressurized and supercritical fluids)
Bc. Barbora Skurčáková Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Masters


Title Name of student Supervisor Type
Příprava tenkých vrstev oxidu titaničitého a jejich charakterizace.
(Preparation of the titanium dioxide thin films and their characterization. )
Ing. Monika Hawliczková Ing. Lenka Matějová, Ph.D. Bachelors