JANKOVSKÁ, Zuzana, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Jonáš TOKARSKÝ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Milan DOPITA, Karolína GORZOLKOVÁ, Dominika HABERMANNOVÁ, Michal VAŠTYL and Jakub BĚLÍK. Microporous carbon prepared by microwave pyrolysis of scrap tyres and the effect of K+ in its structure on xylene adsorption.
Carbon. Pergamon - Elsevier Science, Ltd., 2024,
216(5 January 2024), p. 1-20. ISSN 0008-6223.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Michal VAŠTYL, Zuzana JANKOVSKÁ, Petra CICHOŇOVÁ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Ivana ŠEDĚNKOVÁ, Gerardo Juan Francisco CRUZ, Jose Luis SOLIS VELIZ and Ondřej KANIA. Microwave pyrolysis-prepared engineering carbons from corn cobs and red mombin seeds towards xylene adsorption.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Elsevier Science, 2024,
181(-), p. 106630. ISSN 0165-2370.
[Detail] JANKOVSKÁ, Zuzana, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Jonáš TOKARSKÝ and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. Carbons prepared by microwave co-pyrolysis of waste scrap tyres and corn cob: Effect of cation size and charge on xylene adsorption.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, 2024,
12(6), p. 114374. ISSN 2213-2929.
[Detail] PÄIVÄRINTA-ANTIKAINEN, Sanna, Marjo HUOVINEN, Satu OJALA, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Riitta L. KEISKI and Kirsi H. VÄHÄKANGAS. Leaching of metals from red mud and toxicity in human cells in vitro.
Chemosphere. Pergamon - Elsevier Science, Ltd., 2023,
332(august), p. 138807. ISSN 0045-6535.
[Detail] MEINHARDOVÁ, V., L. DUBNOVÁ, H. DROBNÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Kamila KOČÍ and L. ČAPEK. Role of lamp type in conventional batch and micro-photoreactor for photocatalytic hydrogen production.
Frontiers in Chemistry. Lausanne: Frontiers, 2023,
11(September), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2296-2646.
[Detail] DOBRZYŃSKA, Joanna, Zuzana JANKOVSKÁ and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. Chicken Cartilage-Derived Carbon for Efficient Xylene Removal.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Multidisciplinary digital publishing institute, 2023,
24(10868), p. 1-22. ISSN 1661-6596.
[Detail] VALÁŠKOVÁ, Marta, Veronika BLAHŮŠKOVÁ, Miroslava FILIP EDELMANNOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Karel SOUKUP and Eva PLEVOVÁ. Clay/Fly Ash Bricks Evaluated in Terms of Kaolin and Vermiculite Precursors of Mullite and Forsterite, and Photocatalytic Decomposition of the Methanol–Water Mixture.
Minerals. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2023,
13(9), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2075-163X.
[Detail] VERNER, Adam, Jonáš TOKARSKÝ, Tomáš NAJSER, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Kateřina MAMULOVÁ KUTLÁKOVÁ, Jan KIELAR and Václav PEER. Effects of Structure and Composition of Adsorbents on Competitive Adsorption of Gaseous Emissions: Experiment and Modeling.
Nanomaterials. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2023,
13(4), p. 1-17. ISSN 2079-4991.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Satu PITKÄAHO, Kateřina PACULTOVÁ, Dagmar FRIDRICHOVÁ, Ondřej KANIA and Riitta KEISKI. Oxidation of Methanol and Dichloromethane on TiO2-CeO2-CuO, TiO2-CeO2 and TiO2-CuO@VUKOPOR(R)A Ceramic Foams.
Nanomaterials. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2023,
13(7), p. 1148. ISSN 2079-4991.
[Detail] PÄIVÄRINTA-ANTIKAINEN, Sanna, Satu OJALA, Satu PITKÄAHO, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ and Riitta KEISKI. On the utilization of modified red mud in dimethyl disulfide and methyl mercaptan emission abatement.
Resources. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2023,
12(1), p. 9. ISSN 2079-9276.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Zuzana JANKOVSKÁ, Hana SEZIMOVÁ, Jan ENDRES, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ and Monica Marcela GOMEZ LEON. Ecotoxicity of TiO
2, cerium and zirconium doped TiO
2 photocatalysts prepared by different preparation methods and using different titanium precursors.
Surfaces and Interfaces. Elsevier, 2023,
38(June 2023), p. 102762. ISSN 2468-0230.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Jan BEDNÁREK, Jonáš TOKARSKÝ, Ivan KOUTNÍK, Barbora SOKOLOVÁ and Gerardo Juan Francisco CRUZ. Adsorption of the most common non-steroidal analgesics from aquatic environment on agricultural wastes-based activated carbons; experimental adsorption study supported by molecular modeling.
Applied Surface Science. New York: Elsevier Science, 2022,
605(15 December 2022), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0169-4332.
[Detail] BEDNÁREK, Jan, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Ivan KOUTNÍK, Martina VRÁBLOVÁ, Gerardo Juan Francisco CRUZ, Tomáš STRAŠÁK, Pavel ŠILER and Jan HRBÁČ. Revelation of high-adsorption-performance activated carbon for removal of fluoroquinolone antibiotics from water.
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vídeň: Springer, 2022, p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2190-6815.
[Detail] VALÁŠKOVÁ, Marta, Pavel LEŠTINSKÝ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Kateřina KLEMENCOVÁ, Michal RITZ, Christian SCHIMPF, Mykhailo MOTYLENKO, David RAFAJA and Jakub BĚLÍK. Hematites Precipitated in Alkaline Precursors: Comparison of Structural and Textural Properties for Methane Oxidation.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. BASEL: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2022,
23(15), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 1422-0067.
[Detail] BEDNÁREK, Jan, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Zuzana JANKOVSKÁ, Michal VAŠTYL, Barbora SOKOLOVÁ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Pavel ŠILER, Adam VERNER, Jonáš TOKARSKÝ, Ivan KOUTNÍK, Marek ŠVÁB and Martina VRÁBLOVÁ. The influence of structural properties on the adsorption capacities of microwave-assisted biochars for metazachlor removal from aqueous solutions.
10(3), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2213-2929.
[Detail] VAŠTYL, Michal, Zuzana JANKOVSKÁ, Gerardo Juan Francisco CRUZ and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. A case study on microwave pyrolysis of waste tyres and cocoa pod husk; effect on quantity and quality of utilizable products.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, 2022,
10(1), p. 1-12. ISSN 2213-3437.
[Detail] VALÁŠKOVÁ, Marta, Kamila KOČÍ, Jana MADEJOVA, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Jiří PAVLOVSKÝ, Beatriz TRINDADE MARTINS VIDIGAL BARROCAS and Kateřina KLEMENCOVÁ. alpha-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles/Iron-Containing Vermiculite Composites: Structural, Textural, Optical and Photocatalytic Properties.
Minerals. BASEL: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2022,
12(5), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2075-163X.
[Detail] VALÁŠKOVÁ, Marta, Zdeněk KLIKA, Jozef VLČEK, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Michaela TOPINKOVÁ, Helena PÁLKOVÁ and Jana MADEJOVÁ. Alkali-Activated Metakaolins: Mineral Chemistry and Quantitative Mineral Composition.
Minerals. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2022,
12(11), p. 1-18. ISSN 2075-163X.
[Detail] BIMOVÁ, P., Petra ROUPCOVÁ, Karel KLOUDA, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, A.V. STANOVÁ, K. GRABICOVÁ, R. GRABIC, V. MAJOVÁ, J. HÍVEŠ, V. SPALKOVA, P. GEMEINER, P. CELEC, B. KONECNÁ, L. BÍROŠOVÁ, M. KRAHULCOVÁ and T. MACKULAK. Biochar - An efficient sorption material for the removal of pharmaceutically active compounds, DNA and RNA fragments from wastewater.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. San Diego: Elsevier, 2021,
9(4), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2213-3437.
[Detail] LANG, Jaroslav, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Ana Karina CUENTAS-GALLEGOS, Diego Ramón LOBATO-PERALTA, Kaisu AINASSAARI, Monica M. GÓMEZ, José Luis SOLÍS, Debapriya MONDAL, Riitta KEISKI and Gerardo Juan Francisco CRUZ. Evaluation and selection of biochars and hydrochars derived from agricultural wastes for the use as adsorbent and energy storage materials.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, 2021,
9(5), p. 1-17. ISSN 2213-3437.
[Detail] SHAFQAT, Khawer, Satu PITKÄAHO, Minna TIAINEN, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ and Riitta L. KEISKI. Effect of nanoparticle size in Pt/SiO2 catalyzed nitrate reduction in liquid phase.
Nanomaterials. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2021,
11(1), p. 195. ISSN 2079-4991.
[Detail] VALÁŠKOVÁ, Marta, Jana MADEJOVÁ, Amer INAYAT, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Michal RITZ, Alexandr MARTAUS and Pavel LEŠTINSKÝ. Vermiculites from Brazil and Palabora: Structural changes upon heat treatment and influence on the depolymerization of polystyrene.
Applied Clay Science. San Diego: Elsevier, 2020,
192(JUL 2020), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0169-1317.
[Detail] ŠIHOR, Marcel, Martin RELI, Michal VAŠTYL, Květoslava HRÁDKOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ and Kamila KOČÍ. Photocatalytic oxidation of methyl Tert-Butyl ether in presence of various phase compositions of TiO2.
Catalysts. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020,
10(1), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2073-4344.
[Detail] EDELMANNOVÁ, Miroslava, Martin RELI, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Lada DUBNOVÁ, Libor ČAPEK, Dana DVORANOVÁ, Piotr KUŚTROWSKI and Kamila KOČÍ. Successful immobilization of lanthanides doped TiO2 on inert foam for repeatable hydrogen generation from aqueous ammonia.
Materials. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020,
13(5), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 1996-1944.
[Detail] JANKOVSKÁ, Zuzana, Marek VEČEŘ, Ivan KOUTNÍK and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. A Case Study of Waste Scrap Tyre-Derived Carbon Black Tested for Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Cyclohexane Adsorption.
Molecules. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020,
25(4445), p. 1-14. ISSN 1420-3049.
[Detail] DUBNOVÁ, Lada, Magdalena ZVOLSKÁ, Miroslava EDELMANNOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Martin RELI, Helena DROBNÁ, Piotr KUSTROWSKI, Kamila KOČÍ and Libor ČAPEK. Photocatalytic decomposition of methanol-water solution over N-La/TiO2 photocatalysts.
Applied Surface Science. New York: Elsevier Science, 2019,
469(3), p. 879-886. ISSN 0169-4332.
[Detail] OBALOVÁ, Lucie, Anna KLEGOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Kateřina PACULTOVÁ and Dagmar FRIDRICHOVÁ. Must the Best Laboratory Prepared Catalyst Also Be the Best in an Operational Application?.
Catalysts. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2019,
9(2), p. 160. ISSN 2073-4344.
[Detail] VALLADARES, C., J.F. CRUZ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, E. HERRERA, M.M. GÓMEZ, J.L. SOLIS, Karel SOUKUP, Olga ŠOLCOVÁ and G.J.F. CRUZ. Study of the adsorption of dyes employed in the food industry by activated carbon based on residual forestry.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2019,
1173(1), p. 012009. ISSN 1742-6588.
[Detail] LANG, Jaroslav, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Libor ČAPEK, Alexandr MARTAUS and Martin KORMUNDA. The effect of Zr loading in Zr/TiO 2 prepared by pressurized hot water on its surface, morphological and photocatalytic properties.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2019,
90(2), p. 369-379. ISSN 0928-0707.
[Detail] RAMAKANTH, Illa, Radek JEŠKO, Robin SILBER, Ondřej ŽIVOTSKÝ, Kateřina MAMULOVÁ KUTLÁKOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Marek KOLENČÍK, Jaromír PIŠTORA and Jaroslav HAMRLE. Structural, magnetic, optical, and magneto-optical properties of CoFe2O4 thin films fabricated by a chemical approach.
Materials Research Bulletin. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2019,
117(September 2019), p. 96-102. ISSN 0025-5408.
[Detail] GRYCOVÁ, Barbora, Adrian PRYSZCZ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ and Pavel LEŠTINSKÝ. Influence of activating reagents on the porous structure of activated carbon.
Chemical Engineering Transactions. The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, 2018,
70(1), p. 1897-1902. ISSN 2283-9216.
[Detail] CRUZ, Gerardo Juan Francisco, Minna PIRILÄ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Kaisu AINASSAARI, Jose Luis SOLIS, Radek FAJGAR, Olga ŠOLCOVÁ and Riitta L. KEISKI. Two Unconventional Precursors to Produce ZnCl2-Based Activated Carbon for Water Treatment Applications.
Chemical Engineering and Technology. Wiley-VCH, 2018,
41(8), p. 1649-1659. ISSN 0930-7516.
[Detail] KOČÍ, Kamila, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Miroslava EDELMANNOVÁ, Jakub STAROSTKA, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Jaroslav LANG, Martin RELI, Helena DROBNÁ, Anna ROKICINSKA, Piotr KUSTROWSKI and Libor ČAPEK. Photocatalytic decomposition of methanol over La/TiO2 materials.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Tokio: Springer, 2018,
25(35), p. 34818-34825. ISSN 0944-1344.
[Detail] KOČÍ, Kamila, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Martin RELI, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Miroslava EDELMANNOVÁ, Helena DROBNA, Lada DUBNOVÁ, Anna ROKICINSKA, Piotr KUSTROWSKI and Libor ČAPEK. Nd/TiO2 Anatase-Brookite Photocatalysts for Photocatalytic Decomposition of Methanol.
Frontiers in Chemistry. Lausanne: Frontiers, 2018,
6(3), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2296-2646.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Kamila KOČÍ, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Marcel ŠIHOR, Miroslava EDELMANNOVÁ, Jaroslav LANG, Libor ČAPEK, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Piotr KUŚTROVSKI and Lucie OBALOVÁ. TiO2 and Nitrogen Doped TiO2 Prepared by Different Methods; on the (Micro)structure and Photocatalytic Activity in CO2 Reduction and N2O Decomposition.
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. American Scientific Publishers, 2018,
18(1), p. 688-698. ISSN 1533-4880.
[Detail] SAJFRTOVÁ, Marie, Marie CERHOVÁ, Věra JANDOVÁ, Vladislav DŘÍNEK, Stanislav DANIŠ and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. The effect of type and concentration of modifier in supercritical carbon dioxide on crystallization of nanocrystalline titania thin films.
Journal of supercritical fluids. Elsevier, 2018,
133(March), p. 211-217. ISSN 0896-8446.
[Detail] LANG, Jaroslav, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Libor ČAPEK and Ladislav SVOBODA. Crystallization of Zr0.1Ti0.9On mixed oxide by pressurized hot water and its effect on microstructural properties and photoactivity.
Journal of supercritical fluids. Elsevier, 2018,
141(November), p. 39-48. ISSN 0896-8446.
[Detail] CERHOVÁ, Marie, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Věra JANDOVÁ, Stanislav DANIŠ, Vladislav DŘÍNEK and Marie SAJFRTOVÁ. Preparation of nanocrystalline TiO2 monoliths by using modified supercritical carbon dioxide.
Journal of supercritical fluids. Elsevier, 2018,
137(July), p. 93-100. ISSN 0896-8446.
[Detail] CRUZ, Gerardo Juan Francisco, Lenka KUBOŇOVÁ, Dorian Yasser AGUIRRE, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Erik CEGMED, Anna WACH, Piotr KUSTROWSKI, Monica Marcela GOMEZ and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Activated carbons prepared from a broad range of residual agricultural biomass tested for xylene abatement in gas phase.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. American Chemical Society, 2017,
5(3), p. 2368-2374. ISSN 2168-0485.
[Detail] RELI, Martin, Marcin KOBIELUSZ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Stanislav DANIŠ, Wojciech MACYK, Lucie OBALOVÁ, Piotr KUŚTROWSKI, Anna ROKICIŃSKA and Kamila KOČÍ. TiO2 Processed by pressurized hot solvents as a novel photocatalyst for photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.
Applied Surface Science. New York: Elsevier Science, 2017,
391(1), p. 282-287. ISSN 0169-4332.
[Detail] KOČÍ, Kamila, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Miroslava EDELMANNOVÁ, Tomáš PROSTĚJOVSKÝ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Tereza BRUNÁTOVÁ, Jaroslav LANG, Libor ČAPEK and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Titanium and zirconium-based mixed oxides prepared by using pressurized and supercritical fluids: On novel preparation, microstructure and photocatalytic properties in the photocatalytic reduction of CO2.
Catalysis Today. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2017,
287(JUN 13-17, 2016), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0920-5861.
[Detail] TROPPOVÁ, Ivana, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka KUBOŇOVÁ, Tomáš STRAŠÁK, Soňa ŠTUDENTOVÁ, Piotr KUSTROWSKI and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Molecular Dimensions and Porous Structure of Activated Carbons for Sorption of Xylene and Isooctane.
Chemical Engineering and Technology. Wiley-VCH, 2017,
40(1), p. 6-17. ISSN 0930-7516.
[Detail] RELI, Martin, Pengwei HUO, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Zdenek MATEJ, Stanislav DANIS, Lucie OBALOVÁ and Kamila KOČÍ. Vícevrstvé filmy cerem dopovaného TiO2 pro fotokatalytickou redukci CO2.
Chemické listy. Chemické listy, 2017,
111(10), p. 667-672. ISSN 0009-2770.
[Detail] LEŠTINSKÝ, Pavel, Barbora GRYCOVÁ, Adrian PRYSZCZ, Alexandr MARTAUS and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. Hydrogen production from microwave catalytic pyrolysis of spruce sawdust.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. New York: Elsevier Science, 2017,
124(March), p. 175-179. ISSN 0165-2370.
[Detail] TROPPOVÁ, Ivana, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Hana SEZIMOVÁ, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ and Jaroslav LANG. Nanostructured TiO2 and ZnO prepared by using pressurized hot water and their eco-toxicological evaluation.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research. Singapur: Springer, 2017,
19(6), p. 198. ISSN 1388-0764.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Marcel ŠIHOR, Jaroslav LANG, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Nela AMBROŽOVÁ, Martin RELI, Tereza BRUNATOVA, Libor CAPEK, Andrzej KOTARBA and Kamila KOČÍ. Investigation of low Ce amount doped-TiO2 prepared by using pressurized fluids in photocatalytic N2O decomposition and CO2 reduction.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Springer Netherlands, 2017,
84(1), p. 158-168. ISSN 0928-0707.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Lukáš POLÁCH, Jaroslav LANG, Marcel ŠIHOR, Martin RELI, Tereza BRUNATOVA, Stanislav DANIS, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Ivana TROPPOVÁ and Kamila KOČÍ. Novel TiO2 prepared from titanyl sulphate by using pressurized water processing and its photocatalytic activity evaluation.
Materials Research Bulletin. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2017,
95(November), p. 30-46. ISSN 0025-5408.
[Detail] LANG, Jaroslav, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Libor ČAPEK, Jan ENDRES and Stanislav DANIŠ. Novel synthesis of ZrxTi1-xOn mixed oxides using titanyl sulphate and pressurized hot and supercritical fluids, and their photocatalytic comparison with sol-gel prepared equivalents.
Materials Research Bulletin. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2017,
95(1), p. 95-103. ISSN 0025-5408.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka and Zdenek MATEJ. Nanostructured ZrO2 synthesized by using pressurized and supercritical fluids-Its structural and microstructural evolution and thermal stability.
The Journal of supercritical fluids. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2017,
128(květen), p. 182-193. ISSN 0896-8446.
[Detail] ŠIHOR, Marcel, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Martin RELI, Lucie OBALOVÁ and Kamila KOČÍ. Photocatalytic degradation of nitric oxide on various cerium doped TiO2 thin layers.
Waste Forum. České ekologické manažerské centrum, 2017,
2(June), p. 46-54. ISSN 1804-0195.
[Detail] TROPPOVÁ, Ivana, Jaroslav LANG and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. Optimization of pressurized water and pressurized/supercritical methanol processing of Zr0.1Ti0.9On mixed oxide designed for mitigation of model dye Acid orange 7-polluted water.
Waste Forum. České ekologické manažerské centrum, 2017,
2(June), p. 64-76. ISSN 1804-0195.
[Detail] PIRILÄ, Minna, Gerardo Juan Francisco CRUZ, Kaisu AINASSAARI, Monica Marcela GOMEZ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ and Riitta Laura KEISKI. Adsorption of As(V), Cd(II) and Pb(II), in Multicomponent Aqueous Systems using Activated Carbons.
Water Environment Research. Water Environment Federation, 2017,
89(9), p. 846-855. ISSN 1061-4303.
[Detail] RELI, Martin, Pengwei HUO, Marcel ŠIHOR, Nela AMBROŽOVÁ, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Jaroslav LANG, Ladislav SVOBODA, P. KUŚTROWSKI, Michal RITZ, Petr PRAUS and Kamila KOČÍ. Novel TiO2/C3N4 Photocatalysts for Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 and for Photocatalytic Decomposition of N2O.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Washington: American Chemical Society, 2016,
120(43), p. 8564-8573. ISSN 1089-5639.
[Detail] KOČÍ, Kamila, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Nela AMBROŽOVÁ, Marcel ŠIHOR, Ivana TROPPOVÁ, Libor ČAPEK, Andrzej KOTARBA, Piotr KUSTROWSKI, Alice HOSPODKOVA and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Optimization of cerium doping of TiO2 for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and photocatalytic decomposition of N2O.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Springer Netherlands, 2016,
78(3), p. 550-558. ISSN 0928-0707.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Monika CIESLAROVÁ, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Stanislav DANIŠ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Marcel ŠIHOR, Jaroslav LANG and Vlastimil MATĚJKA. Microstructure, Optical and Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by Chelating-Agent Assisted Sol-Gel Method.
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. American Scientific Publishers, 2016,
16(1), p. 504-514. ISBN 0-000-00000-0.
[Detail] SAJFRTOVÁ, Marie, Marie CERHOVÁ, Vladislav DŘÍNEK, Stanislav DANIŠ and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. Preparation of nanocrystalline titania thin films by using pure and water-modified supercritical carbon dioxide.
Journal of supercritical fluids. Elsevier, 2016,
117(1), p. 289-296. ISSN 0896-8446.
[Detail] RELI, Martin, Nela AMBROŽOVÁ, Marcel ŠIHOR, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Libor ČAPEK, Lucie OBALOVÁ, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Andrzej KOTARBA and Kamila KOČÍ. Novel cerium doped titania catalysts for photocatalytic decomposition of ammonia.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Elsevier, 2015,
178(7.10.2014), p. 108-116. ISSN 0926-3373.
[Detail] RELI, Martin, Nela AMBROŽOVÁ, Marcel ŠIHOR, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Libor ČAPEK, Lucie OBALOVÁ, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Andrzej KOTARBA and Kamila KOČÍ. Novel cerium doped titania catalysts for photocatalyticdecomposition of ammonia.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Elsevier, 2015, p. neuveden. ISSN 0926-3373.
[Detail] KOČÍ, Kamila, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Lucie OBALOVÁ, Libor ČAPEK and Jeffrey C.S. WU. Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic performance of TiO2 prepared by using pressurized fluids in CO2 reduction and N2O decomposition.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Springer Netherlands, 2015,
76(26 July 2015), p. 621-629. ISSN 0928-0707.
[Detail] ŠIHOR, Marcel, Kamila KOČÍ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Martin RELI, Nela AMBROŽOVÁ, Jiří PAVLOVSKÝ, Libor ČAPEK and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Photocatalytic hydrogen formation from ammonia in an aqueous solution over Pt-enriched TiO2-ZrO2 photocatalyst.
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. American Scientific Publishers, 2015,
15(9), p. 6833-6839. ISBN 0-000-00000-0.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Marcel ŠIHOR, Tereza BRUNÁTOVÁ, Nela AMBROŽOVÁ, Martin RELI, Libor ČAPEK, Lucie OBALOVÁ and Kamila KOČÍ. Microstructure-performance study of cerium-doped TiO2 prepared by using pressurized fluids in photocatalytic mitigation of N2O.
Research on Chemical Intermediates. Springer Netherlands, 2015,
41(12), p. 9217–9231. ISSN 0922-6168.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Tereza BRUNÁTOVÁ and Stanislav DANIŠ. TiO2–CeO2 prepared by using pressurized and supercritical fluids: effect of processing parameters and cerium amount on (micro)structural and morphological properties.
Research on Chemical Intermediates. Springer Netherlands, 2015,
41(12), p. 9243-9257. ISSN 0922-6168.
[Detail] DANIŠ, Stanislav, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ and Michal KRUPKA. Determination of the thickness of polycrystalline thin films by using X-ray methods.
Thin Solid Films. Elsevier Science SA, 2015,
591(September), p. 215-218. ISSN 0040-6090.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Kamila KOČÍ, Martin RELI, Libor ČAPEK, Alice HOSPODKOVÁ, Pavlína PEIKERTOVÁ, Zdeněk MATĚJ, Lucie OBALOVÁ, Anna WACH, Piotr KUŚTROWSKI and Andrzej KOTARBA. Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic properties of cerium doped TiO2: On the effect of Ce loading on the photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2014,
152–153(25 June 2014), p. 172-183. ISSN 0926-3373.
[Detail] KOČÍ, Kamila, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Ondřej KOZÁK, Libor ČAPEK, Václav VALEŠ, Martin RELI, Petr PRAUS, Klára ŠAFÁŘOVÁ, Andrzej KOTARBA and Lucie OBALOVÁ. ZnS/MMT nanocomposites: The effect of ZnS loading in MMT on the photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Elsevier, 2014,
158-159(October 2014), p. 410-417. ISSN 0926-3373.
[Detail] KOČÍ, Kamila, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Martin RELI, Libor ČAPEK, Vlastimil MATĚJKA, Zdenek LACNÝ, Piotr KUSTROWSKI and Lucie OBALOVÁ. Sol–gel derived Pd supported TiO2-ZrO2 and TiO2 photocatalysts; their examination in photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.
Catalysis Today. Elsevier, 2014,
230(July 2014), p. 20-26. ISSN 0920-5861.
[Detail] MATĚJ, Zdeněk, Andrea KADLECOVÁ, Miloš JANEČEK, Lenka MATĚJOVÁ, Milan DOPITA and Radomír KUŽEL. Refining bimodal microstructure of materials with MSTRUCT.
Powder Diffraction. International Centre For Diffraction Data, 2014,
29(S2), p. S35-S41. ISSN 0885-7156.
[Detail] MATĚJOVÁ, Lenka, Kamila KOČÍ, Martin RELI, Libor ČAPEK, Vlastimil MATĚJKA, Olga ŠOLCOVÁ and Lucie OBALOVÁ. On sol–gel derived Au-enriched TiO2 and TiO2-ZrO2 photocatalysts and their investigation in photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.
Applied Surface Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2013,
285(B), p. 688-696. ISSN 0169-4332.
[Detail] SMOLÁKOVÁ, Lucie, Šárka BOTKOVÁ, Libor ČAPEK, Peter PRIECEL, Agnieszka SOŁTYSEK, Martin KOUT and Lenka MATĚJOVÁ. Precursors of active Ni species in Ni/Al2O3 catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane.
Chinese Journal of Catalysis. Beijing: Science China Press, 2013,
34(10), p. 1905-1913. ISSN 0253-9837.