Číslo projektu |
Název projektu |
Země žadatele |
1/2024 |
Production of biogas (BioCNG,H2) from biomass/biowaste + characterization of activated carbon samples with their selection for biogas desulfurization |
Česko |
2/2024 |
The Cu/SiO2 catalysts prepared via different synthetic pathways and their behaviour in ethanol dehydrogenation |
Česko |
3/2024 |
Decomposition of polymeric substances in microwave field using catalysts |
Česko |
4/2024 |
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and water splitting for hydrogen production |
Česko |
5/2024 |
Catalytic oxidation of ammonia - influence of copper and manganese |
Česko |
6/2024 |
Contaminated air treatment using advanced oxidation processes |
Česko |
7/2024 |
Purification of waste gases by photochemical processes |
Česko |
8/2024 |
Characterisation of Ni-Cu/Al2O3 catalysts used for hydrodeoxygenation reaction |
Česko |
9/2024 |
Chemical analysis elemental composition of soil substrates in samples of spoil heaps |
Česko |
10/2024 |
Cu-based catalyst for multistep co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste plastic to H2-rich gas |
Polsko |
11/2024 |
Preparation and analysis of samples from energy processes |
Česko |
12/2024 |
Removal of pollutants from aqueous environment |
Česko |
13/2024 |
Characterization of oxyhalides and their composites |
Česko |
14/2024 |
Bimetallic catalyst for dry reforming of methane. |
Česko |
15/2024 |
Characterization of metal oxide for supercapacitor |
Česko |
16/2024 |
Structural studies on carbon materials for dye adsorption application |
Česko |
17/2024 |
Production of biochars from various wastes and application in biogas production |
Česko |
18/2024 |
Rubber-based materials prepared from end-of-life waste scrap tyres |
Česko |
19/2024 |
Cancelled project |
20/2024 |
Photocatalytic measurements in presence TiO2 photocatalysts |
Česko |
21/2024 |
Characterisation of photocatalysts |
Česko |
22/2024 |
Photoelectrochemical characterization of photocatalysts |
Česko |
23/2024 |
SEM for Bacteria |
Česko |
24/2024 |
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction over TiO2-based photocatalysts |
Česko |
25/2024 |
Characterization of biochar and raw material |
Peru |
26/2024 |
Study and optimisation of physicochemical properties of hybrid hydrotalcite-zeolite materials as catalysts |
Česko |
27/2024 |
Characterization of Ti:Ce:Cu,, Ti:Ce:Fe, Ti:Fe based catalysts prepared form titanyl sulphate |
Česko |
28/2024 |
Reducing the content of pollutants in wastewater and ecotoxicity assessment of used methods |
Česko |
29/2024 |
Carbon adsorbents synthesized by microwave pyrolysis from bee waste for water purification |
Polsko |
30/2024 |
New adsorbents from agrowaste |
Česko |
31/2024 |
Biochar evaluation |
Česko |
32/2024 |
Photocurrent measurements of composites based on TiO2, ZnO with g-C3N4 with their potential utilization as a photocatalysts in wastewater treatment |
Česko |
33/2024 |
Characterization of carbon-based materials prepared by microwave pyrolysis and activated by various chemicals |
Peru |
34/2024 |
Photocatalytic CO2 conversion with Layered Double Hydroxides and Oxides photocatalysts |
Itálie |
35/2024 |
In-situ vanadium doped TiO2 nanotube powder via rapid break down anodization for hydrogen generation |
Slovensko |
36/2024 |
Activated carbons prepared by microwave co-pyrolysis of waste scrap tyres and corn cob |
Česko |
37/2024 |
Xylene sorption capacity of activated carbon blacks prepared by microwave pyrolysis of Pinus Nigra |
Česko |
38/2024 |
Purification of selected pharmaceuticals and pollutants from wastewater |
Česko |
39/2024 |
Preparation of carbonate materials for adsorption of VOCs |
Česko |
40/2024 |
Structural properties of bonechar prepared by microwave pyrolysis of waste animal bones |
Česko |
41/2024 |
Pelletization of Biomass in Combination with Waste |
Česko |
42/2024 |
The effect of kaolinitic additives on behaviours of poly(urea-co-urethan)- cement concrete |
Česko |
43/2024 |
Bimetallic catalyst for dry reforming of methane 2 |
Česko |
44/2024 |
Textural analysis of fabricated nanopowder by anodization |
Česko |
45/2024 |
Cancelled project |
46/2024 |
Cancelled project |
47/2024 |
Recovery and regeneration of commercially available activated carbon |
Peru |
48/2024 |
Adsorption of heavy metals and pharmaceuticals from the aquatic environment |
Česko |
49/2024 |
Characterisation of non-gaseous products from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis |
Česko |
50/2024 |
Microwave pyrolysis of tomato waste |
Česko |
51/2024 |
Light-driven intelligent microrobots for photocatalytic ``on the fly`` energy production |
Česko |
52/2024 |
Energy recovery of waste from the automotive industry |
Česko |
53/2024 |
Powder and shaped mixed oxide-based catalysts for CO, C3H8 and CH4 oxidation |
Česko |
54/2024 |
3D-printed Bismuth Telluride@Polypyrrole (Bi2Te3@PPy) Composite as a High-performing Electrode for the Application in Aluminium-ion Batteries (AIBs) |
Česko |
55/2024 |
Study of Possibilities for the Production of Alternative Liquid Biofuels |
Česko |
56/2024 |
Photocatalytic H2 production and CO2 reduction over TiO2/SiO2-based catalysts |
Česko |
57/2024 |
Cancelled project |
58/2024 |
Energetic disposal of medical waste |
Česko |
59/2024 |
Sorbents for syngas cleaning |
Česko |
60/2024 |
Removal of persistent pollutants from sewage sludge during their various technological processing |
Česko |
61/2024 |
TiO2-based photocatalyst for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 |
Česko |
62/2024 |
Photocatalytic hydrogen production over TiO2-based photocatalysts |
Česko |
63/2024 |
Transition metal tungstate and tellurite for Nitrate reduction |
Česko |
64/2024 |
Environmental Research Centre Waste and Circulation Management and Environmental Safety |
Česko |
65/2024 |
Experimental and theoretical study of the carbon species equilibrium effect on the CO2 photocatalytic reduction in a TiO2 slurry |
Argentina |
66/2024 |
Monitoring of pesticides in the environment and methods of their elimination |
Česko |
67/2024 |
Research and development of composite multifunctional materials for sustainable development |
Česko |
68/2024 |
Pyrolysis waste plastic and possibilities of nitrogen removal from pyrolysis oil |
Česko |
69/2024 |
Application of MXene based Composite for removal of mircoplastic from the aqueous solution. |
Slovensko |
70/2024 |
Characterisation and catalytic activity of mixed metal oxides - zeolites composite materials |
Česko |
71/2024 |
Photocurrent measurements of fabricated nanopowder by anodization |
Česko |
72/2024 |
The effect of synthesis conditions on structural and physicochemical properties of g-C3N4 |
Česko |
73/2024 |
Hydrogen production over g-C3N4-based heterostructured photocatalysts |
Česko |
74/2024 |
The effect of the pure PEI activated carbon - XRD and FTIR studies |
Česko |
75/2024 |
Waste materials for electrochemical sensing application |
Česko |
76/2024 |
TPD_Brno University of Technology |
Česko |
77/2024 |
Chemically doped transition metal oxides for electrochromic application |
Česko |
78/2024 |
Characteristics of additive manufactured products from managing steel |
Polsko |
79/2024 |
Cancelled project |
80/2024 |
The use of special monitoring processes for the analysis of PM immissions and emissions - starting from 2025 |
Česko |
81/2024 |
Analysis of university honey |
Česko |
82/2024 |
Study of Cu-dispersion of silica-based catalysts |
Česko |
83/2024 |
Ecotoxicity of pesticides |
Česko |
84/2024 |
Impact of Microplastics on Biogas Production |
Česko |
85/2024 |
Production of biochar from coffee grounds by slow pyrolysis in pilot scale pyrolyser |
Česko |
86/2024 |
Study of weak intermolecular interactions |
Česko |
87/2024 |
Surface area and porosity measurement of Bi2Te3 |
Česko |
88/2024 |
Biogas production by anaerobic digestion of bio-waste generated from insect breeding and subsequent co-fermentation tests with selected substrates |
Česko |
89/2024 |
Microplastic reaction with natural minerals |
Česko |
90/2024 |
New material for electrical insulation systems of turbogenerators |
Česko |
91/2024 |
Utilization of Waste Biomass for the Preparation of Carbonaceous Material to Remove Ibuprofen from Model Solution |
Česko |
92/2024 |
Studying the electronic properties and band structure of fluorographite |
Česko |
93/2024 |
Research on energy grasses |
Česko |
94/2024 |
Characterisation and xylene adsorption capacity of commercial carbon blacks |
Česko |
95/2024 |
Anaerobic digestion of food waste from school´s canteens |
Česko |
96/2024 |
Vermiculites |
Česko |
97/2024 |
InGaN materials for photocatalytic hydrogen generation |
Česko |
98/2024 |
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction over modified TiO2-based photocatalyst samples |
Česko |
99/2024 |
Degradation of Pharmaceutical Residues during Anaerobic Digestion |
Rakousko |
100/2024 |
Cancelled project |
101/2024 |
CeO2/TiO2 for photocatalytic applications |
Portugalsko |
S1/2024 |
Chemical recycling of waste plastics |
Česko |
S2/2024 |
Regeneration of commercial sorbent using scCO2 and superheated solvents |
Česko |
S3/2024 |
Photocatalytic hydrogen production on heterostructured CeO2-based photocatalysts |
Česko |
In 2024, 7 projects from 2023 were also solved. |
Číslo projektu |
Název projektu |
Země žadatele |
1/2023 |
Evaluation of the specific surface area of the basic sands |
Česko |
2/2023 |
Characterization of mixed oxide catalysts and their application for NO decomposition |
Česko |
3/2023 |
Clay-ash bricks evaluated in terms of clay mineral admixture |
Česko |
4/2023 |
Low-temperature decomposition of HDPE and PP in microwave field |
Česko |
5/2023 |
Humic acids from various sources and their interaction with emerging pollutants |
Česko |
6/2023 |
Elimination of ibuprofen from aqueous environment by biochar and ash |
Česko |
7/2023 |
Characterization of K-modified Co-based mixed oxides using temperature programmed techniques |
Česko |
8/2023 |
Study of reaction intermediates in NO catalytic decomposition and NH3 catalytic oxidation |
Česko |
9/2023 |
Pyrolysis of polymers and adsorption of pharmaceuticals |
Česko |
10/2023 |
Removal of pollutants from aqueous environment with the aid of adsorption |
Česko |
11/2023 |
New types of catalysts for SCR and methanation processes with induction heating |
Polsko |
12/2023 |
Nanopowders g-C3N4 by calcination of melamine with KOH and KCl |
Česko |
13/2023 |
Characterization of Ti and Ce catalysts on Vakupor ceramics by using pressurized hot extraction and supercritical processing for catalytic oxidation of dichlormethane |
Česko |
14/2023 |
Characterization of Pt/TiCe-based catalysts prepared from titanyl sulphate after the dichlormethaneoxidation experiments |
Česko |
15/2023 |
Cobalt based ceramic foam catalysts for N2O decomposition |
Česko |
16/2023 |
Characterization of cartilages separated from chicken bones for sorbent preparation |
Česko |
17/2023 |
The selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 in presence of oxygen and carbon monoxide |
Česko |
18/2023 |
Degradation of micropollutants from water in the hydroponic system II |
Česko |
19/2023 |
Additional analyses of Silesian granite |
Česko |
20/2023 |
Extraction of humic acids and their influence on the micropollutants content in wastewater |
Česko |
21/2023 |
Characterization of TiO2/CeO2/CuO powders catalysts before and after the dichlormethane and methanol experiments |
Česko |
22/2023 |
Energy use of tea grounds |
Česko |
23/2023 |
Monitoring of pesticides in the environment and way of their elimination |
Česko |
24/2023 |
Evaluation of the specific surface area of the basic sand |
Česko |
25/2023 |
High-pressure treatment of beef bones and characterization of residues and yielded products |
Česko |
26/2023 |
Effect of binders on pellets |
Česko |
27/2023 |
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and production of H2 over Ti-HUS materials |
Japonsko |
28/2023 |
Conventional and Microwave pyrolysis of black pine cones. Adsorption of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and VOCs on prepared biochar and activated carbon |
Česko |
29/2023 |
Detection and removal of xenobiotics from wastewater and sewage sludge |
Česko |
30/2023 |
Study of the interaction of humic acids with micropollutants using surface plasmon resonance method |
Česko |
31/2023 |
Disposal options for selected pharmaceuticals in wastewater |
Česko |
32/2023 |
Biochar preparation from waste coffee grounds |
Slovensko |
33/2023 |
Determination of heavy metals production characteristics during the flue gas purification |
Česko |
34/2023 |
Anaerobic fermentation process of selected biowaste and biomass |
Česko |
35/2023 |
Porosity measurement of chars |
Polsko |
36/2023 |
Characterization of zirconia supported nickel catalysts for upgrading of biomass to hydrogen-rich gas |
Polsko |
37/2023 |
Ni-based catalysts for co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste plastic to H2-rich gas |
Polsko |
38/2023 |
Anaerobic DIGESTION of selected biowaste and biomass with purify raw biogas to biomethane and research of hydrogen production |
Česko |
39/2023 |
Determination of chemical composition of Cu and Co modified SrTiO3 perovskites |
Česko |
40/2023 |
Carbons for supercapacitators |
Česko |
41/2023 |
TiO2, CeO2 and CuO- based powder catalysts after model VOCs oxidation |
Česko |
42/2023 |
Characterization of Cu based catalysts by temperature programmed adsorption/desorption of organics |
Česko |
43/2023 |
Anaerobic digestion of pre-treated corn silage with various White Rot Funghi at different conditions |
Česko |
44/2023 |
Dip coating and characterization of open-cell ceramic foams |
Česko |
45/2023 |
Technology for water desalination and boron elimination |
Česko |
46/2023 |
Catalysts behaviour in the model flue gas |
Česko |
47/2023 |
Characterization of raw waste biomass |
Česko |
48/2023 |
Analysis of polymer materials with potential utilization as an electrolyte in energy area |
Česko |
49/2023 |
Research and development of composite multifunctional materials for sustainable development |
Česko |
50/2023 |
Synthesis of nanocomposites based on Mxenes terminated with nitrogen groups |
Česko |
51/2023 |
Pelletization of torrefied materials |
Česko |
52/2023 |
Pyrolysis of plastic with heteroatoms |
Česko |
53/2023 |
Development of powder photocatalytic materials |
Česko |
54/2023 |
Characterization of TiO2-CeO2 and Pt/TiO2-CeO2 foams in oxidation of DCM and MeOH |
Česko |
55/2023 |
New catalysts for ethanol-to-butadiene transformation |
Česko |
56/2023 |
Use of incineration residues to reduce the content of potentially toxic metals in the aqueous environment |
Česko |
57/2023 |
The doping effect of Cu/SiO2 catalysts behaviour in ethanol dehydrogenation |
Česko |
58/2023 |
Adsorption of heavy metals on biomass ash from model and real samples |
Česko |
59/2023 |
Influence of copper and manganese synergistic interaction on ammonia catalytic oxidation |
Česko |
60/2023 |
Determination of ZSM-5-HT physicochemical properties |
Česko |
61/2023 |
Bimetallic catalyst for dry reforming of methane |
Česko |
62/2023 |
Production and application of biochars from several wastes for methane generation enhancement |
Česko |
63/2023 |
One-step synthesis of metal-free B and O co-doped graphitic carbon nitride |
Česko |
64/2023 |
Characterization of Ti:Ce:Cu, Ti:Ce:Fe, Ti:Fe based catalysts prepared from titanyl sulphate after and before the dichlormethane oxidation experiments |
Česko |
65/2023 |
Determining the permeability of plant cuticles |
Česko |
66/2023 |
Analysis of soil samples |
Česko |
67/2023 |
Research on the removal of drugs from water by adsorption |
Česko |
68/2023 |
Sorption properties of clay minerals |
Česko |
69/2023 |
Zrušený projekt |
70/2023 |
The use of mixed oxide catalysts as an option to reduce emissions from small combustion devices |
Česko |
71/2023 |
Soil hydraulic conductivity and elements analysis of carbon-nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. |
Alžírsko |
72/2023 |
The effect of changing friction parameters on the treatment process |
Česko |
73/2023 |
Physisorption analysis of CaCO3 - based microparticles |
Česko |
74/2023 |
Study of thermal decomposition of hydrotalcite-zeolite materials |
Česko |
75/2023 |
Analysis of transition metal oxides doped with Li ions with potential utilization as positive electrode materials in Li-ion batteries. |
Česko |
76/2023 |
Dry reforming of pyrolysis gas from chemical recycling of waste polyolefins |
Česko |
77/2023 |
Zrušený projekt |
78/2023 |
Extraction of humid acids from various sources |
Česko |
79/2023 |
Modification of DENOX-based catalysts mixed cobalt oxides with sodium |
Česko |
80/2023 |
Monitoring of micropollutants passing through WWTPs and testing methods for their removal |
Česko |
81/2023 |
Synthesis of carbonaceous materials for their industrial and environmental applications |
Česko |
82/2023 |
Carbon-based materials prepared by microwave co-pyrolysis |
Česko |
83/2023 |
Disposal options for selected pharmaceuticals in wastewater |
Česko |
84/2023 |
Layered hydroxides and metal oxides derived thereof as catalysis |
Česko |
85/2023 |
Thermochemical Characterization of Waste Tire |
Česko |
86/2023 |
Possibilities for processing and utilization of waste batteries and accumulators Li-Ion type |
Česko |
87/2023 |
Use of temperature-programmed (TP) methods |
Česko |
88/2023 |
Chemisorption measurement of catalytic materials |
Česko |
S1/2023 |
Preparation of carbonaceous material from black pine (Pinus nigra) cones using microwave pyrolysis and subsequent methylene blue adsorption. |
Česko |
S2/2023 |
Thermochemical processing of waste materials |
Česko |
S3/2023 |
Hydrogen generation in the presence of a NiO catalyst |
Česko |
S4/2023 |
Processing of municipal waste |
Slovensko |
S5/2023 |
Removing bacteria and organic substances from water |
Slovensko |
Číslo projektu |
Název projektu |
Země žadatele |
1/2022 |
Development of analytical method for sartans and their degradation by photocatalysts |
Česko |
2/2022 |
Energy materials from waste chromium-plated leather |
Česko |
3/2022 |
Co-doped SrTiO3 as a potential catalyst in environmental catalysis |
Polsko |
4/2022 |
Characterization of Pt/Al2O3 catalysts |
Finsko |
5/2022 |
Photoelectrochemical characterization of photocatalysts |
Česko |
6/2022 |
Research of photocatalytically active materials for photoreduction of carbon dioxide |
Česko |
7/2022 |
Biochar evaluation (out of research contract) |
Česko |
8/2022 |
Chemical recycling of plastics |
Česko |
9/2022 |
The CuO supported materials as catalysts of selective ammonia oxidation proces. Role of the support material and CuO distribution |
Česko |
10/2022 |
Research of treatment possibilities of sewage sludge |
Česko |
11/2022 |
BaCeNi oxide catalysts for NO decomposition |
Česko |
12/2022 |
Direct NO decomposition over Co-based mixed oxides |
Česko |
13/2022 |
Generation of biochar from lignocellulose and wastes for use as additive in anaerobic digestion |
Řecko |
14/2022 |
Design of Pt, Pd/Ti, Ce and Zr catalysts on Vakupor ceramics by using chemical approaches and conventional calcination for catalytic oxidation of dichlormethane |
Česko |
15/2022 |
Influence of physicochemical properties of Cu-impregnated mixed metal oxides on their Catalytic efficiency as catalysts of ammonia selective oxidation |
Česko |
16/2022 |
Photoelectrochemical measurements of fabricated TiO2 nanopowder by anodization |
Slovensko |
17/2022 |
Textural analysis of fabricated TiO2 nanopowder by anodization |
Slovensko |
18/2022 |
Removal of xenobiotics from aqueous environment |
Česko |
19/2022 |
Study of the interaction of humic acids with drugs and pesticides |
Česko |
20/2022 |
Interaction of emerging pollutants with humic substances |
Česko |
21/2022 |
Research on method of detection and reduction of xenobiotics from surface water and waste water |
Česko |
22/2022 |
Research of detection and removal of xenobiotics from water |
Česko |
23/2022 |
Determnation of nutrient and xenobiotic content in sludges and substrates |
Česko |
24/2022 |
Carbon blacks prepared by microwave pyrolysis of waste animal bones used as a sorbent |
Česko |
25/2022 |
Microwave co-pyrolysis of waste scrap tyres and corn cob |
Česko |
26/2022 |
Preparation and adjustment of waste animal bones for microwave pyrolysis |
Česko |
27/2022 |
Measurement of the specific copper surface area using N2O chemisorption |
Česko |
28/2022 |
Measurement of reducibility of Cu-based catalysts using TPD/R/O-chemisorption |
Česko |
29/2022 |
Degradation of micropollutants from water in the hydroponic system |
Česko |
30/2022 |
Study and modelling of reaction mechanisms of the photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide |
Argentina |
31/2022 |
Dry reforming |
Česko |
32/2022 |
Application of ionic liquids for textile treatment to protect the skin against UV radiation |
Česko |
33/2022 |
Development of LC-MS/MS Method for Pesticides and Their Monitoring in Wastewater |
Česko |
34/2022 |
Study of interaction of humic acids with micropollutants using surface plasmon resonance method |
Česko |
35/2022 |
Design of Ti and Ce catalysts on Vakupor ceramics by using pressurized hot and supercritical fluid processing for catalytic oxidation of dichloromethane |
Česko |
36/2022 |
VOC dry reforming upgrading |
Česko |
37/2022 |
Study of the additives impact on emissions from the combustion of alternative fuels |
Česko |
38/2022 |
Effect of torrefaction on the quality of pellets from waste biomass |
Česko |
39/2022 |
Characterization and processing mixtures type biomass / binder |
Česko |
40/2022 |
Biomass sample pyrolysis and pyrolysis products analysis |
Česko |
41/2022 |
SrTi1-xCuxO3 base materials as a potential catalyst in environmental catalysis |
Polsko |
42/2022 |
Bimetallic catalyst in dry reforming process |
Česko |
43/2022 |
Elemental analysis of C, H, N contents in series of g-C3N4 based materials |
Česko |
44/2022 |
Optimisation of plant-derived materials and waste animal cartilages microwave pyrolysis |
Polsko |
45/2022 |
Determination of active Ni/Cu surface area of modified Ni/Cu catalysts using H2, N2O, CO and CO2 chemisorption |
Česko |
46/2022 |
Characterization of NiCu – based catalysts surface by TPD technique (TPD-NH3, TPD-CO2, TPD-H2) |
Česko |
47/2022 |
Anaerobic fermentation (digestion) of insect waste biomass obtained from its breeding with subsequent upgrading of the produced biogas |
Česko |
48/2022 |
Biodegradation testing of compostable bags in anaerobic slurry |
Česko |
49/2022 |
Verification of biogas and methane yield from various samples of organic matter using batch anaerobic digestion tests (BMP tests) |
Česko |
50/2022 |
Solidification of ladle slags |
Česko |
51/2022 |
Research of steel slags parameters in connection with their thermal use |
Česko |
52/2022 |
Hydration processes of alkali-activated binders and possibilities of their modification |
Česko |
53/2022 |
Thermal treatment of waste |
Česko |
54/2022 |
Binding properties of fly ash |
Česko |
55/2022 |
Photocatalytic activity of CeO2 TiO2 heterostructured nano-dimensional materials based on different TiO2 types |
Česko |
56/2022 |
Removal of pollutants from aqueous environment with the aid adsorption |
Česko |
57/2022 |
Development of new methods for determining limits of metals in drinking water |
Česko |
58/2022 |
Interaction of emerging pollutants with humic substances |
Česko |
59/2022 |
Research of the raw materials for the production of hard ferrite magnets |
Česko |
60/2022 |
Measurements of xenobiotics in liquid and solid samples |
Česko |
61/2022 |
Pyrolysis of polymers |
Česko |
62/2022 |
Photocatalysts on basis of g-C3N4 for pollutant degradation and H2 generation |
Česko |
63/2022 |
Air monitoring in industrial zone of Ostrava-Hrabová, CZ |
Česko |
64/2022 |
Determination of oxidation catalysts characteristics during the flue gas purification |
Česko |
65/2022 |
Carbon materials |
Česko |
66/2022 |
Study of photochemical, photocatalytic, and membrane processes with application in environmental technologies |
Česko |
67/2022 |
Development of antimicrobial biobased polymeric material using supercritical fluid technology |
Česko |
68/2022 |
Production of carbon quantum dots from agrowastes using hydrothermal treatment |
Peru |
69/2022 |
Characterization of carbon quantum dots from agrowastes |
Peru |
70/2022 |
Training of TPD method on micromeritics instrument Autochem II |
Česko |
71/2022 |
Fe-doped SrTiO3 materials as a potential catalyst in environmental catalysis |
Polsko |
72/2022 |
Sr1-xCaxTi1-yFeyO3 base materials as a potential catalyst in environmental catalysis |
Polsko |
73/2022 |
Textural analysis of composite powders containing marine algae biochar with Fe3O4 or TiO2 or ZnO |
Slovensko |
74/2022 |
Evaluation of the photodegradation activity of the samples against NOx |
Česko |
75/2022 |
Determination of photocurrent in series g-C3N4 materials modified with AgIO3 |
Česko |
76/2022 |
Development of new method for analysis of organic pollutants in environmental samples |
Česko |
77/2022 |
Analysis of micropollutants in different environmental matrices |
Česko |
78/2022 |
Analysis of pharmaceuticals in water |
Česko |
79/2022 |
Ti-HUS materials for the photocatalytic production of H2 and photoreduction of CO2 |
Japonsko |
80/2022 |
The influence of sewage sludge processing technology on the content of persistent substances |
Česko |
81/2022 |
Photocatalytic hydrogen generation from water splitting over different type of photocatalysts |
Česko |
82/2022 |
Analysis of pharmaceuticals in wastewater from WWTP |
Česko |
83/2022 |
Determination of basic sites of metal oxide based-catalytic foams by TPD-CO2 |
Česko |
84/2022 |
Effect of Gypsum Additives in Fly Ash on Sintering and Properties of Mullite Ceramics |
Česko |
85/2022 |
Catalytic thermal pyrolysis of plastics |
Česko |
86/2022 |
Impregnation of ionic liquids on substrates |
Česko |
87/2022 |
Chemical recycling of plastics by thermo-catalytic pyrolysis |
Česko |
88/2022 |
Miscanthus Biochar |
Česko |
89/2022 |
Thermal treatment of discarded wind turbine |
Česko |
90/2022 |
Synthesis of organic compounds as precursors of covalent frameworks and other carbon-based materials |
Česko |
91/2022 |
Covalent organic frameworks inspired by carbon nitride for photocatalysis |
Česko |
92/2022 |
Ti-MCM materials for the photocatalytic production of H2 |
Polsko |
93/2022 |
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction |
Německo |
94/2022 |
Doped g-C3N4 based photonic crystals in catalytic systems engineering for synergetic enhancement of ligh-harvesting and storage |
Německo |
95/2022 |
Direct NO decomposition over K-modified Co-based mixed oxides - effect of coexisting gases |
Česko |
96/2022 |
Complex data analysis within the project Differences in inducible defence of two related oak species in response to artificial induction by Methyl jasmonate and its effect on bird predation and arthropod communities |
Česko |
97/2022 |
Graphitic C3N4: synthesis and study of physicochemical properties |
Česko |
S1/2022 |
Photocatalytic production of hydrogen in the presence of Ti nanoparticles/g_C3N4 |
Česko |
S2/2022 |
Preparation and testing of catalysts for the direct decomposition of NO |
Česko |
S3/2022 |
Utilization of sewage sludge |
Česko |
Číslo projektu |
Název projektu |
Země žadatele |
1/2021 |
Hydrogen production from photocatalytic decomposition of methanol-water solution over TiO2 specimens modified with graphene and WO3 |
Itálie |
2/2021 |
Study of the Cu-dispersion in supported catalysts using N2O chemisorption |
Rusko |
3/2021 |
Processing of municipal waste biofuels using the HTC method in a time group |
Česká republika |
4/2021 |
XRD measurement of organically modified hectorite-coated silica adsorbents |
Slovensko |
5/2021 |
Dependences determination between qualitative parameters of pellets and particle size of torrefied biomass |
Česká republika |
6/2021 |
Photocatalytic hydrogen generation from water splitting over different type of photocatalysts |
Česká republika |
7/2021 |
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over different type of photocatalysts |
Česká republika |
8/2021 |
Membrane permeability measurement |
Česká republika |
9/2021 |
Use of biochar for intensification of biogas production and composition |
Česká republika |
10/2021 |
Biodegradation of the PLA 3D-printing material |
Česká republika |
11/2021 |
Use of white-rot fungi for anaerobic digestion of biowaste |
Česká republika |
12/2021 |
Thermal properties of automotive waste samples |
Česká republika |
13/2021 |
Control of anaerobic digestion process using dissolved hydrogen when filling corn silage using electrochemical dissolved hydrogen sensor |
Česká republika |
14/2021 |
Synthesis of ionic liquids in a microwave reactor |
Česká republika |
15/2021 |
Anaerobic digestion of insect biomass with purify biogas |
Česká republika |
16/2021 |
Mixed oxide catalysts for environmental applications-continuation of the research for Bc. Study |
Česká republika |
17/2021 |
The role of HIPVs of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) in attracting insectivorous birds |
Česká republika |
18/2021 |
Structured carbon-based materials for xylene abatement |
Česká republika |
19/2021 |
Microwave pyrolysis of waste scrap tires |
Česká republika |
20/2021 |
Research of treatment possibilities of sewage sludge |
Česká republika |
21/2021 |
Material and energy recovery of waste |
Slovensko |
22/2021 |
Material and energy recovery of waste |
Česká republika |
23/2021 |
Optimization of preparation of carbon-based materials from agricultural biomass in microwave field |
Česká republika |
24/2021 |
Detection of antibiotics and pesticides in aquaponic system by chromatographic and optics method |
Česká republika |
25/2021 |
Analysis of caffeine, nicotine and their metabolites in wastewater |
Česká republika |
26/2021 |
Removal of xenobiotics from aqueous environment |
Česká republika |
27/2021 |
Assessment of nitrogen environmental pollution in the Czech-Polish borderland using moss |
Česká republika |
28/2021 |
Synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride and study of properties |
Česká republika |
29/2021 |
Determination of specific Cu surface area using N2O chemisorption |
Česká republika |
30/2021 |
Phase transitions and microstructure evolution in nanocrystalline iron oxides and hydroxides |
Španělsko |
31/2021 |
Development of analytical method for determination of drugs from waste water |
Česká republika |
32/2021 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of Pt doped TiO2 photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic reduction |
Irán |
33/2021 |
Determination of anaerobic production of biogas and methane from Jerusalem artichoke substrate |
Česká republika |
34/2021 |
Photocatalytic decomposition N2O over N/TiO2/Fe2O3 and N/TiO2 film |
Ukrajina |
35/2021 |
Development of LS-MS/MS method for pesticides and their water monitoring |
Česká republika |
36/2021 |
Changes in the physical properties of Silesian granite exposed to a long time influence of the hot water-complementary analyses |
Česká republika |
37/2021 |
GC-MS characterization of Miscanthus giganteus biomass pyrolysis products |
Česká republika |
38/2021 |
The characterization and photocatalytic study of a new set… |
Polsko |
39/2021 |
Preparation of graphitic carbon nitride (C3N4) based material and analytical characterization for environmental applications |
Kosovo |
40/2021 |
Czech-German project Cornet "MiscanValue" |
Česká republika |
41/2021 |
Determination of the specific copper surface area and copper dispersion using N2O chemisorption |
Kazachstán |
42/2021 |
Optimization of waste animal bones microwave pyrolysis |
Česká republika |
43/2021 |
Preparation and adjustment of waste animal bones for microwave pyrolysis |
Česká republika |
44/2021 |
Microwave co-pyrolysis of waste scrub tyres and corn cob |
Česká republika |
45/2021 |
Property analysis and biochemical methane potential test of the biowaste derived from the black soldier fly breeding |
Česká republika |
46/2021 |
VOC dry reforming |
Česká republika |
47/2021 |
Photocatalytically active materials for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 |
Česká republika |
48/2021 |
Extraction and characterization of humic acids |
Česká republika |
49/2021 |
Study of the interaction of humic acids with drugs and pesticides |
Česká republika |
50/2021 |
Improvement of fuel properties and hydrophobicity of wood pellets by torrefaction |
Polsko |
51/2021 |
Characterization of Miscanthusx giganteus biomass pyrolysis products - biochar |
Česká republika |
52/2021 |
DOC, TOC measurement of nanotextiles |
Česká republika |
53/2021 |
Utilization of secondary raw material in geopolymers production |
Česká republika |
54/2021 |
Physicochemical properties characterization of Cu/Mg-Al mixed metal oxides |
Česká republika |
55/2021 |
Degradation of micropollutants from water in the hydroponic system |
Česká republika |
56/2021 |
Non-metal doped nanostructures of graphitic carbon nitride for photocatalytic reactions |
Česká republika |
57/2021 |
Removal of pollutants from aqueous environment with the aid adsorption |
Česká republika |
58/2021 |
Ammonia selective catalytic oxidation over Cu-Mg-Al and Ce/Cu-Mg-Al mixed metal oxides - Role of the copper content and cerium activating effect |
Polsko |
59/2021 |
Selective catalytic oxidation of NH3 using (Ce)/ZnMgAl mixed oxide catalysts |
Česká republika |
60/2021 |
BaceNi oxide catalysts for NO decomposition |
Česká republika |
61/2021 |
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of gaseous organic substances |
Česká republika |
62/2021 |
Cobalt based oxide catalysts for NO decomposition - stability of catalysts |
Česká republika |
63/2021 |
Research of membrane permeability for xenobiotics |
Česká republika |
64/2021 |
Permeability measurements of cuticular polyester matrix membrane after chloroform extraction of wax |
Česká republika |
65/2021 |
Interaction of emerging pollutants with humic substances |
Česká republika |
66/2021 |
Extractions of humic acids from various sources |
Česká republika |
67/2021 |
Photoelectrochemical characterization of photocatalysts |
Česká republika |
68/2021 |
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and photocatalytic water splitting from methanol-water solution |
Slovensko |
69/2021 |
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and photocatalytic water splitting |
Portugalsko |
70/2021 |
Si modified cobalt mixed oxides catalysts for NO decomposition |
Česká republika |
71/2021 |
Chemical and structural properties of catalysts and ceramics |
Česká republika |
72/2021 |
Dry reforming of methane |
Česká republika |
73/2021 |
Preparation of biochar from Miscanthus in laboratory unit (out of economic contract) |
Česká republika |
74/2021 |
Chemical recycling of plastics |
Německo |
75/2021 |
Elemental and material characterization of solid combustion products |
Česká republika |
76/2021 |
Study of chemical and phase composition of alloys from system Al-Ti-Co-Ni-Fe-(Cr) |
Polsko |
77/2021 |
Monitoring of selected metals by AAS-GF technique on filters |
Česká republika |
78/2021 |
Methane generation enhancement using biochar materials |
Řecko |
79/2021 |
Fungal strains for improving methane generation in anaerobic digestion |
Česká republika |
80/2021 |
Decomposting testing of compostable bags in anaerobic slurry |
Česká republika |
81/2021 |
Deposition of ZSM-5 on SiC foam by using supercritical fluid |
Česká republika |
82/2021 |
Deposition and crystallization of mixed metal oxides based on Ti and Ce on Vakupor ceramic foams by using supercritical and pressurized hot fluids |
Česká republika |
83/2021 |
Textural analysis of biochars, activated carbons and magnetically-modified biochars prepared from agricultural biomass waste designed for adsorption studies |
Česká republika |
84/2021 |
Textural characterization of carbons |
Česká republika |
85/2021 |
Bonding ability of ladle slags |
Česká republika |
86/2021 |
Research of hydration properties of steel slags |
Česká republika |
87/2021 |
Phase composition of technogenic pozzolans and evaluation of their alkaline activation potential |
Česká republika |
88/2021 |
Alkaline activation of power plant fly ash |
Slovensko |
89/2021 |
Effects of kaolin additives in fly ash on sintering and properties of mullite ceramics |
Česká republika |
90/2021 |
Waste incineration |
Česká republika |
91/2021 |
Thermochemical properties evaluation |
Česká republika |
92/2021 |
Revision of mineralogical locality Zulova in the Rychlebske hory Mts., Czech Republic |
Česká republika |
93/2021 |
Long-term decomposition test of polyactic acid in anaerobic suspension from an agricultural biogas plant |
Česká republika |
94/2021 |
Mobility of selected contaminants in the soil-plant system |
Česká republika |
S1/2021 |
Study of the interaction of humic acids with micropollutants using the surface plasmon resonance method |
Česká republika |
S2/2021 |
Photocatalytic decomposition of methanol in the presence of a photocatalyst based on C3N4 |
Česká republika |
S3/2021 |
Sewage sludge co-composting with other biomass and biowaste |
Česká republika |
Číslo projektu |
Název projektu |
Země žadatele |
1/2020 |
Processing and utilization of selected waste biomass from growing technology. |
Česká republika |
2/2020 |
Mixed oxide catalysts for environmental applications |
Česká republika |
3/2020 |
Adsorption on activated carbon |
Česká republika |
4/2020 |
Biomethane potential tests of insect biomass. Anaerobic digestion of insect biomass. The subject of testing will be insect biomass. |
Česká republika |
5/2020 |
Control of the anaerobic digestion process using dissolved hydrogen when feeding corn silage |
Česká republika |
6/2020 |
Methods of biogas purification from biogas plant |
Česká republika |
7/2020 |
Processing of municipal waste biofuels using the HTC method in a time group |
Česká republika |
8/2020 |
Research of waste combustion process |
Česká republika |
9/2020 |
Membrane permeability measurement |
Česká republika |
10/2020 |
VOC dry reforming |
Česká republika |
11/2020 |
Synthesis of ionic liquids in a microwave reactor |
Česká republika |
12/2020 |
Graphitic carbon nitride: synthesis and study of chemical and physical properties |
Česká republika |
13/2020 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of new set of alfaFe2O3/CeO2 photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic reduction |
Česká republika |
14/2020 |
The role of HIPVs of oak trees in attracting insectivorous birds |
Česká republika |
15/2020 |
Possibilities of thermal treatment of sewage sludge |
Česká republika |
16/2020 |
Correlation horizons in the Ostrava Member and their importance for lithostratigraphic correlation of coal seams |
Česká republika |
17/2020 |
Biomineralization of human living body |
Česká republika |
18/2020 |
Possibilities of thermal treatment of waste blanch |
Česká republika |
19/2020 |
Possibilities of using railway sleepers from the reconstruction of the railway yard |
Česká republika |
20/2020 |
Preparation of model nanoparticulated materials for toxicity and genotoxicity tests |
Česká republika |
21/2020 |
Physicochemical characterization of chitosan-based materials |
Peru |
22/2020 |
Photocatalytic decomposition of methanol-water solution for production of hydrogen over doped (Ru, Pt, Ir, Pd, Ni) carbon nitrides |
Polsko |
23/2020 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of Pt doped C3N4 photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic reduction |
Irán |
24/2020 |
Assessment of soil contamination by risk elements using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
Česká republika |
25/2020 |
Physicochemical characterization of biochars enriched with ZnO nanoparticles |
Peru |
26/2020 |
Nanostructured heterogenous catalysts based on CuO, TiO2 and CeO2 for catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds |
Česká republika |
27/2020 |
Study of the Effect of Alternative Fuels on the Generation of Emissions from the Diesel Engine |
Indie |
28/2020 |
Study of the dispersion of copper supported on aluminium and zinc oxide using N2O chemisorption |
Kazachstán |
29/2020 |
Study of copper species interaction with different metal oxides using N2O chemisorption |
Česká republika |
30/2020 |
Pre-treatment of corn silage with white rot fungi |
Česká republika |
31/2020 |
Anaerobic digestion of corn silage with white rot fungi |
Česká republika |
32/2020 |
Biogas production by pre-treated corn silage with white rot fungi |
Česká republika |
33/2020 |
Photocatalytic decomposition over Pt/N/TiO2 film |
Ukraina |
34/2020 |
Revision of mineralogical localities in the South Bohemian part of Moldanubicum |
Česká republika |
35/2020 |
Phase and structural analysis of Co-Mn mixed oxides |
Egypt |
36/2020 |
Evaluation of prepared Co-based catalysts |
Česká republika |
37/2020 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of new set of NiO/TiO2 photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic reduction |
Česká republika |
38/2020 |
Photocatalytic decomposition of methanol-water solution for production of hydrogen over doped (Ru, Pt, Ir, Pd, Ni, Co) carbon nitrides |
Polsko |
39/2020 |
Study of the Cu specific surface area in CuZnO catalysts in dependence on the Cu/Zn ratio |
Rusko |
40/2020 |
Optimization of preparation of carbon-based materials from agricultural biomass in microwave field |
Česká republika |
41/2020 |
Possibilities of thermal treatment of waste blance of tires |
Česká republika |
42/2020 |
Possibilities of thermal treatment of waste blance of wool |
Česká republika |
43/2020 |
Phytochemical analysis of digestive fluid from traps of carnivorous Nepenthes plants |
Česká republika |
44/2020 |
Phytochemical analysis of vegetative tissues of Curculigo species |
Česká republika |
45/2020 |
Microwave pyrolysis of waste scrap tires |
Česká republika |
46/2020 |
Determination of specific surface area of Ni metal in reduced Ni-based catalysts for hydrogenation |
Ukrajina |
47/2020 |
Density measurement of steel slags |
Česká republika |
48/2020 |
Fluidized bed incineration |
Česká republika |
49/2020 |
Elemental composition of prepared catalysts |
Česká republika |
50/2020 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of modified TiO2-SiO2 photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic reduction |
Taiwan |
51/2020 |
XRD measurement of organically modified hectorite-coated silica adsorbents |
Slovensko |
52/2020 |
Study of the dispersion of copper supported on zinc oxide using N2O chemisorption |
Kazachstán |
53/2020 |
Biochar preparation from industrial hemp biomass by pyrolysis |
Česká republika |
54/2020 |
Dependences determination between qualitative parameters of pellets and particle size of torrefied biomass |
Česká republika |
55/2020 |
Detection of antibiotics and pesticides in aquaponic system |
Česká republika |
56/2020 |
Caffeine, nicotine and their metabolites in wastewater |
Česká republika |
57/2020 |
Graphene doped porous carbon monoliths |
Česká republika |
58/2020 |
Analysis of biochar |
Česká republika |
59/2020 |
Analysis of dehydrins in leaf extracts |
Česká republika |
60/2020 |
Study of the acid-base properties of CuZnO catalysts in dependence on the Cu/Zn ratio |
Rusko |
61/2020 |
Investigation of the reducibility of supported Ni catalyst modified by Co or Mo |
Česká republika |
62/2020 |
Thermal treatment of waste polyethylene |
Česká republika |
63/2020 |
Structured carbon-based materials for xylene abatement |
Česká republika |
64/2020 |
Determination of the presence of graphene in carbonaceous materials |
Česká republika |
S1/2020 |
Catalytic pyrolysis of selected plastic waste |
Česká republika |
S2/2020 |
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 |
Česká republika |
S3/2020 |
Verification of biogas and methane production using batch anaerobic tests |
Česká republika |
S4/2020 |
Purification of biogas from the process of anaerobic digestion in a laboratory model reactor |
Česká republika |
S5/2020 |
Adsorption of drugs from an aqueous environment on activated carbon based on waste from plant production |
Česká republika |
S6/2020 |
Determination of nitrogen in digestates |
Česká republika |
Číslo projektu |
Název projektu |
Země žadatele |
1/2019 |
The synthesis of photocatalysts based on layered double hydroxides for CO2 reduction |
Ukrajina |
2/2019 |
Synthesis of ZnO-CuO nanoparticles to its subsequent in-situ or ex-situ applications on textile materials |
Peru |
3/2019 |
Preparation and characterization of oxides based on Ti, La and N by using pressurized hot and supercritical fluids |
Česká republika |
4/2019 |
Investigation of the dependence of copper specific surface area in CuZn and CuZnAl on their composition |
Česká republika |
5/2019 |
Photocatalytic decomposition of N2O over vermiculite/CeO2 nanoparticles |
Česká republika |
6/2019 |
Influence of method C3N4 preparation and Pt modification on photocatalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide |
Česká republika |
7/2019 |
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over CdS/g-C3N4 photocatalysts |
Česká republika |
8/2019 |
Characterization of CuO-ZnO, BiVO4 and ZnO-SnO2 nanoparticles prepared in Peru by XRD and photocatalytic activity tests with model azo-dye Acid Orange 7. Characterization of cotton fabrics functionalized with CuO-ZnO nanoparticles prepared in Peru by XRD, SEM-EDS and TGA. |
Peru |
9/2019 |
Cesium doped Co3O4 on the ceramic foam as catalyst for nitrous oxide abatement. |
Česká republika |
10/2019 |
Dry reforming of VOC |
Česká republika |
11/2019 |
Recycling of the waste polymers using thermo-chemical and catalytic processes |
Česká republika |
12/2019 |
Material and energy utilization of municipal waste |
Česká republika |
13/2019 |
Membrane permeability measurement |
Česká republika |
14/2019 |
Analysis of impurities in crude caprolactam |
Slovensko |
15/2019 |
SPR measurement |
Česká republika |
16/2019 |
Chemical analysis of catalysts for nitrous oxide catalytic decomposition |
Česká republika |
17/2019 |
Analysis of pesticide diuron |
Španělsko |
18/2019 |
Green Waste Biochar |
Česká republika |
19/2019 |
N2O catalytic decomposition over cobalt-zeolite foams based supported catalysts |
Česká republika |
20/2019 |
Microwave pyrolysis of spruce sawdust at nano Fe/C, Co/C and Ni/C catalysts |
Polsko |
21/2019 |
Research of waste combustion process |
Česká republika |
22/2019 |
Direct NO decomposition over K-promoted Co-Mn-Al mixed oxides |
Česká republika |
23/2019 |
Dry reforming of VOC |
Česká republika |
24/2019 |
Study of the reducibility of copper in CuZnAl hydrotalcite-like catalysts by temperature-programmed reduction |
Kazachstán |
25/2019 |
Study of copper specific area of CuZn, CuZnMg and CuMg catalysts |
Česká republika |
26/2019 |
Control of digestion process by on-line measurement of dissolved hydrogen concentration |
Česká republika |
27/2019 |
The role of HIPVs oak trees in attracting insectivorous birds |
Česká republika |
28/2019 |
Synthesis of ionic liquids in a microwave reactor |
Česká republika |
29/2019 |
Analysis of membrane permeability |
Česká republika |
30/2019 |
Reactivity of benzaldehyde and dioxane in presence of clay materials |
Česká republika |
31/2019 |
Reaction of supernucleophiles in the presence of titanosilicates as catalysts |
Česká republika |
32/2019 |
Clays with tin as catalysts for Baeyer-Villiger oxidation |
Česká republika |
33/2019 |
Observing of novel types of titanosilicates as catalysts in oxidation reactions of bulky molecules |
Česká republika |
34/2019 |
Reactivity of benzaldehyde and dioxane in presence of clay materials |
Řecko |
35/2019 |
Reaction of supernucleophiles in the presence of titanosilicates as catalysts |
Řecko |
36/2019 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of CdS/C3N4 photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic reduction |
Čína |
37/2019 |
Study of brewing barely separation process |
Česká republika |
38/2019 |
Cu- and Ag- contained ZnAl LDH photocatalytical activity study in the process of CO2 reduction under UV light |
Ukrajina |
39/2019 |
Possibilities of intensification of anaerobic digestion of biowaste using microbial electrolytic cell |
Česká republika |
40/2019 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of TiO2/rGO photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic reduction |
Polsko |
41/2019 |
Photocatalytic decomposition over different TiO2 film |
Ukrajina |
42/2019 |
Hydrogen production from photocatalytic decomposition of methanol-water solution over TiO2 specimens modified with copper and graphene |
Itálie |
43/2019 |
Membrane permeability measurement |
Česká republika |
44/2019 |
Synthesis and application of mixed metal oxides nanomaterials for N2O decomposition |
Vietnam |
45/2019 |
Hydrogen production from photocatalytic decomposition of methanol-water solution over F-La/TiO2 |
Slovensko |
46/2019 |
Possibilities of biogas purification from anaerobic digestion of biological decomposition of waste |
Česká republika |
47/2019 |
The study of photocatalytic activity of new set of TiO2/rGO photocatalysts during the CO2 photocatalytic decomposition |
Polsko |
48/2019 |
Photocatalytic decomposition of methanol-water solution for production of hydrogen over carbon nitrides (synthesized under various conditions) |
Polsko |
49/2019 |
Graphitic carbon nitride: synthesis and study of chemical and physical properties |
Česká republika |
S1/2019 |
Photocatalytic decomposition of aqueous methanol solution in the presence of F-La/TiO2 catalyst |
Česká republika |
S2/2019 |
Synthesis of ionic liquids |
Česká republika |
S3/2019 |
Determination of capsaicin in chili spice samples |
Česká republika |
S4/2019 |
Catalytic decomposition of NO |
Česká republika |
S5/2019 |
Torrefaction of waste biomass |
Česká republika |